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New Aug models, Anyone know anything about these?

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I noticed a while ago there was a new line up of Aug mods available.

There's 2 variants of an A3 that look a bit better than the ASG and JG variants currently available. However I've not seen any reviews for these yet and don't know how that new RIS setup works. It looks  like it might be a clone of the TM high cycle mounting.


I'm tempted to send an email out to try get more information on them as the top rail looks better than the current line up. I'm not so sure about the fancy RIS front end but 2 mins with a bandsaw and the addition of a decent suppressor and you have what looks to be a really nice AUG.

This is a link to the seller on E-hobby



The reason I want to know more is it looks like they sell the RIS as a separate in a 7 and 9 inch format. But you have to modify an existing upper quite heavily to make it work.

There's also a new Aug sniper by the same company.


I don't think the sniper is so nice, It's more in line  with the ASG/JG A3 with a longer barrel.

Would I be crazy picking up the 7" Ris and trying to get a spares aug upper? I'm pretty sure I have all of the tools that you would need. Bandsaw, Drill press, Die grinder.

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