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ASG ARMALITE M15 Light Tactical Carbine from Patrolbase?

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Hi all,

So I have been looking at a getting an ASG ARMALITE M15 Light Tactical Carbine from Patrolbase for some time, as I have heard some good things about the internals and the gun itself. I will have to be gifted this in two-tone as my parents don't want to get a UKARA or similar.


If you want to recommend an even better M4 style gun for roughly the same price feel free to.

Mainly looking for facts about the customer service and quality of the gun on delivery of the company.


P.S. I have also been looking at getting a Two-Toned G&G Combat Machine CM16 Raider from zerooneairsoft as a second option.

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I am moving this to Guns, Gear & Loadouts section for your questions on guns


For Patrol Base as a retailer there is a long topic in Places to Buy section, have a read


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