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Face pro (with glasses)

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Dear all,

Im looking into investing in some new face protection, previously I have used a save phace mask. It offered great protection, however had too many issues with fog. I'm now looking for a fast helmet solution. Anybody have any recommendations for a lower face mask, googles and helmet that works for them. Preferably somebody who wear glasses (and likes having their ears protected)!


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After doing some research I have decided I would be best with contacts, but my question about good goggles/ mask combos still stands (i.e. Something where I won't have a big gap between the goggles and mask

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I would avoid contacts. Nothing worse than getting a bit of dust in them at a crucial part of the game.


Get goggles that have a prescription insert.

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I wore contacts for years. Never had a dust or dirt problem. If you're wearing eye pro over them where's the dirt coming from?


Not needed now though. Lense replacement surgery FTW :D

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i wear....

fast helmet / V2 type mask (one with ear pro / desert locust or ESSv12s or sawflies (but they fog on me weirdly)


or as above but with the normal face mask attached to helmet, straps etc tend to cover ears


everyone has differing experiences with goggles, some people have no issues, some they fog all the time

I have the fan version of the revisions, use various anti fog wipes / sprays but still can suffer from the dribble of doom!...not so much fog

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Me too. More a wet sweat that a fogging issue. Keep moving is the key. A fat sweaty bloke like me is never going to stop eyepro from getting wet.

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