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Can I fit a suppressor on to the Ares Tavor 21 M-TAR Sportline

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As the title suggests I was wondering if I can add a suppressor onto the Areas Tavor 21. Obviously I haven't bought the item yet and just wanted to know as I am looking to upgrade the barrle to a tightbore.

If I can attach a suppressor I'll have the inner barrle run right through, if not I'll just purchase the standard length I need. 

In the item description it mentions nothing about the usual 14mm ccw/cw threading thay you usually find, however I have seen pictures of the same and similar guns sporting suppressors. 

If anyone knows if the outer barrle has any threading or tips on how to attach a suppressor without threading please let me know. Thanks.


Here's a link to the site where Ivery been looking at it. 

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Thanks, and it would surprise me too but rather be sure than fork out for a suppressor and extra long inner barrle to find nothing will fit. 

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Any particular reason for wanting a long inner barrel? It's got more than enough barrel as stock.


14mm CW by the way...

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Good call @L3wisD. I have the S&T, which is basically the same. Although I owned it for like a week, then it broke, and its been sitting at The Mall for the better part of two years now haha. No clue how you knew :D . OP, there should be no reason why you couldn't remove the flash hider and put on a suppressor. The Flash hider may be epoxy'd on, but you can get it off. In fact, the only gun I know of (I am sure there are more) that has a standard flash hider like that but can not fit anything else is my old D-Boys PDW.

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