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Airsoft Con?

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Hi guys,


Does anybody know of any airsoft meets going on around the country? Not games, but events where players can meet up have a few drinks and get to know each other? Where new players could talk with veterans and get advice and such.


If there isn't any would anybody actually be interested in an event of this kind?

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Hi guys,


Does anybody know of any airsoft meets going on around the country? Not games, but events where players can meet up have a few drinks and get to know each other? Where new players could talk with veterans and get advice and such.


If there isn't any would anybody actually be interested in an event of this kind?



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Problem with that being that the convention results are from 2014 and anything more recent is either a fair or a gun show.


I was mainly asking if there are any conventions that people know of that aren't showing up on Google, as with certain niche markets Google has a tendency to bury results.

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