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Sidearms - help me decide!

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Hey everyone, I am debating what sidearm to use. It will be used as a sniper backup, and a support gunners backup for CQB. It also needs to stand on its own for CQB games.

I've narrowed it down to this, and my budget is £160. Any help or past experiences would be greatly appreciated.




MPK5 (various brands)

Scorpion Vz.61



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Had a look at a KWC gas blow back glock the other day. Felt really tough and had semi and automatic firing.


Tempted to buy one just for the shits and giggles lol

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For CQB or a snipers backup, nothing beats a TM Mk23. It is just about silent and has very decent accuracy. It just lacks blowback for coolness factor and may not suit people with smaller hands.

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