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ProWin hop up in a G&G GC16 Wildhog

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Hey guys,


Recently I installed a ProWin hop up unit into my GC16, but I'm having a problem.


When I put the gun back together, the gun has a very low fps and the shots are all over the place, however when I take the inner barrel and hop unit out and place it on the gun without the outer barrel/receiver on, it fires how I expect it to.


I think it's because the hop up unit isn't pressed against the air nozzle correctly and therefore making a shitty seal. Any suggestions on how to fix this?


Hope you can understand what I mean.



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Sounds like when you put the whole thing back together you are having Air compression issues, to check this reassemble the rifle in full, power it up, turn the gun upside down and place a small piece of A4 paper (say 1cm by 1cm) over the hole where BBs enter the gun and shoot a few times on semi, if the paper goes flying out of the mag well then its Air compression.


I know for a fact that some G&G guns hate any other hop up chamber other than G&G own brand one, i once had a mates G&G GC16 rifle and spent ages wondering why the FPS was so inconsistent with the ProWin Chamber, fitted a standard G&G metal one, all issues vanished.

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Sounds like when you put the whole thing back together you are having Air compression issues, to check this reassemble the rifle in full, power it up, turn the gun upside down and place a small piece of A4 paper (say 1cm by 1cm) over the hole where BBs enter the gun and shoot a few times on semi, if the paper goes flying out of the mag well then its Air compression.


I know for a fact that some G&G guns hate any other hop up chamber other than G&G own brand one, i once had a mates G&G GC16 rifle and spent ages wondering why the FPS was so inconsistent with the ProWin Chamber, fitted a standard G&G metal one, all issues vanished.

Thanks for your reply!


I have just tried the above test with the paper, and it just stays there so I'm guessing it's not a compression issue?


I have kinda managed to fix the problem though some times (1 out of 30 shots) will be a low fps and just dribble out the gun basically. Going to see how it performs tomorrow and then decide if I use the stock G&G hop up unit with my flat hop, or try the metal one.


Thanks for the help :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you tried to the push a BB through the prowin and through the bucking test?

Do you need to push really hard to make the BB fall into the barrel? if so then I had this issue, the cause I tracked down to the ProWin forcing the end of the bucking to close up. Simply fixed by drilling out to 7.5mm




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