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Tokyo Marui P90 Hi-Cycle Video Review

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As with all my video reviews, i've owned this gun for a good couple of months and have clocked in many hours skirmishing with it before reviewing it. It's a very nifty little gun, but it does have its share of flaws.


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  • Root Admin

Nice video. I've been considering one of these for a while after seeing so many second handers going up.


One very small thing though: The BBs in the box should be good to use - TM make decent ones. Not sure about that second bag though as you say.

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  • 2 years later...

There's a very useful comment in that video I think is worth mentioning.


It's from a user named Ecthelion008 (credit where it's due).



Your semi-auto issue is very, very easy to fix. Here's how you do it:


  1. Get a gear shim, you can find one in most airsoft stores, or if you go to a hardware store, you're looking for a tiny washer that's got an inner diameter of 2mm or so and an outer diameter of 6mm. It should be as thin as possible, like a wafer.
  2. Take out your gearbox and find the dis-connector lever. I can't seem to post a URL link, but just goggle it. It's very large, long and metallic, it's on the outside of the gearbox. It's attached to the gearbox with a single screw. This lever is what regulates your semi vs. full auto.
  3. Remove the one screw holding it in place and DO NOT REMOVE the lever!!! You just need to take out the screw.
  4. Place the shim over where the screw goes and screw the screw back in, make it tight. Now you're done. The semi-full issue is common in P90s because of the disconnector design. Basically the lever wobbles horizontally and fails to catch, causing the gun to go full auto. The washer/shim the place there will take the slack off and eliminate the wobble. It will also allow the lever to move more smoothly up and down.

3 more points:

  1. You should really get a MOSFET for the gun if you intend to use it in semiauto extensively. The P90 has major arcing issues so the copper trigger contacts burn out quickly. I'm using a GATE NanoHARD, works well but limits batter space a bit.
  2. Consider going for a higher torque motor if you also install a MOSFET, the origial EG30,000 motor is tuned for high speed, as in full auto fire, it's not meant for semi work so the response is very sluggish.
  3. If you have some of those gear shims left over, I recommend using them as washers on the two screws that hold the plastic backplate with the gearbox. The backplate can blow out or crack the plastic over time, but the washers will help distribute some of that stress. It's preventive maintenance.


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