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Review KU903 of APS (Steyr AUG)

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  • Root Admin

This was said in the other thread, but obviously this is a primarily an English-speaking forum, and whilst I understand that you've gone to the effort of using Google Translate on the site, it outputs very broken English that's quite hard to read (especially with so much technical jargon):



Also comment as safe replication. It has a horizontal pivot located beside the trigger. Which when we shoot it must be outward looking a red dot. When said pivot will be put into safe mode.


Good pictures though. Will certainly help anyone who's looking to buy.


Also, put 'http://' infront of your links to make them parse automatically, or click on the 'hyperlink' icon in the editor (looks like a chain).

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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