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February 7th - 8th Special Gunman weekend - Tuddenham. Hunger Battle - Tuddenham

GI Airsoft

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Feb Gunman special event.

The Island – Hunger Battle
Welcome to our first special Gunman weekend of the year. This is still classed as an open day but a few times a year we like to put on something different.

The full Gunman MILSIM rules apply for these games and they are still limited ammo.

So, what’s Hunger Battle all about then?
Totally inspired by “The Hunger games” and “Battle Royal”, all the players are put in one of 5 groups and have a camp they start in. The idea of the battle is to capture as many resources to survive ‘The Island’ as possible. The winners win 1billion Euros and go into the great hall of fame. Imagine you are all part of a live, Brutal, TV showicon_wink.gif

Every player starts with their gun and 1 small speed loader full bbs (ammunition) There will be a number of areas around the site that are ‘DROP ZONES’ where supplies, extra weapons and resources will get put into the game by the competition staff (Ref). It’s assumed everyone is wearing a collar and if you shoot the refs or break any of the game rules, your head explodes and you have to go ‘THE DEAD ZONE’ where your body has been cloned (regen) and you get put back in the game. Some of these dead zones might be mobile.

Each game, there is an Ante for gathered resources. If you, as a team can’t get all the resources for your Ante, you loose a point. If you get all your Ante, you gain a point. The team with the most points wins. However, if there is a draw, it goes down to a battle to the death (re regen) and the winner takes all.

Example…Ladies and gentlemen, this games Ante is 2 containers of water and 1 box of food. All these supplies will be limited to make it more funicon_wink.gif

You can Parley with other teams to trade resources or raid their camps and steal what they have. The game doesn’t care how you do it, but the people must be entertained.

Gunman will supply lots of LARP weapons (stuff you can safely hit each other with). You will just need you airsoft stuff.

The teams will be sorted out on the day with tape on the arms.

More cool stuff will get added as we goicon_wink.gif

Recourses will be.


Feel free to ask any Qs here.

ADDED today...

I don’t get this game, please help!

Hi guys, here is a Question we have received about this weekends Epic Hunger Battle game. Forget the story! In a nutshell, this is a 3-5 way team based scenario, where small teams must go out and retrieve items dropped in the field and gather as many as possible. At the same time, make sure there camps are safe from enemy forces stealing their gathered supplies.

Tuddenham ONLY.
To make things really interesting, the road that runs through the site will have makers to show bridges, that are the only way to cross from one side to the other.
We will also have the whole site in play, so about 45 acres that we will be using. We wont be using the top field of the back of the woods as the site will be too big.
BRING WINTER WHITES IF YOU HAVE THEM, or go buy a paint prayers onezie as the snow will be on the ground still, but if you do that, you must hum the bond theme all dayicon_wink.gif

At the end of a 2hr session, all the teams need to try and hand over their team’s requirement of items. For example, Team Alpha must hand in 2 Blue and one Yellow item. Team Bravo must hand in hand 2 Red and one Blue and Team Delta must hand in 2 Yellow and one Red. Your team gets 1 point for each one you hand in correct and a bonus of 2 points if you get all the ones you needed.

Items will be marked up thus.

Water – Blue
Food – Yellow
Medical – Red
Ammo crate – Green

Everyone starts with maximum of 100 bbs, but there will be ammo cards put in the field to help increase their load out up to 600 (if there really lucky).

Think of it as a training exercise in teamwork, managing equipment and communication.

Then, we just added the crazy story. There will be some hand to hand weapons dropped in the field too just to spice it all up. Don’t worry about the story, you can still wear all your military load outs and we are still operating the Milsim rules and ethos of playicon_wink.gif

We get asked all the time to run something special, so here you are. Its all involving and will be loads of funicon_wink.gif

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