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South Coast CQB - Event Update

Wheeled Wonder

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The South Coast CQB site continues to evolve thanks to players feedback and comments.... at the next event on Sunday 26th October we're planning to involve even more of the Site to be used in scenario game play... 50+ buildings!!!!


** New Dates ** November dates 9th & 23rd


For more information visit our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/SouthCoastCQB?fref=nf


or the Website http://www.sccqb.co.uk/







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Looks friggin amazing site & congrats on the work getting it all ready....


A little too far for me to go on a regular basis but if we ever manage to get a Southern meet up going

or the Southern Turkey shoot perhaps - then that could one hell of place to consider....

Little far but would love to give it a go if we can get a date/event organsied


I wish you well but think that place will be amazing without me needing to wish you luck

slightly envious of anybody living closer to that place

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Its a huge place but very easy to navigate around :)


I've been there a few times as an army cadet, I'm jealous of the you guys who can use it regularly


Enjoy my friends and all the best for your venture

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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