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Gear for G&G combat machine?

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Come on Toby, you're taking all the fun out of it for yourself.


Choosing a gun and choosing load outs is all part of the attraction.


A general purpose gun like a raider gives you loads of possibilities - have a google, look at all the military sites. There are loads of examples online. Piecing together all the component parts and working out where to get them from - and more importantly, making the load out your own, is where its at.


Having someone else telling you what to wear is like being in the army.

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sheesh he's just asking what we recommend what to get with it.


for a beginner, get a spare hicap mag and a spare battery. I like to leave a bottle of BBs on the field when playing for reloads (just dont cry if its stolen or borrowed from).


From what I gather, it's not really worth it upgrading the internals on the combat machine.. but a vertical grip is always nice, so is a red dot (especially if you play indoors).


DIY goggles, lower face mesh. BOOTS. cheap military trousers and jacket. maybe a cheap vest, but pockets will do for beginners. gloves can be nice as well.



dont bother with a radio unless you played a few games and feel you need it, most people play without.




oh, almost forgot, something that covers your ears can be real sweet, those shots can hurt!! especially on cold days!

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Hello Toby,


I'm also new to airsoft and went with the G&G CM16. Only things I have bought for it are a gripod and sling from patrol base. I'm also looking into getting a flashlight with a pressure switch for those dark CQB games (probably a M600C clone).


Hope this helps!

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Something vital....hmmm......I know! AN M203 grenade launcher, tracer unit, PEQ box, railed front end, Magpul stock, naked lady stickers for the mags.....oh and a sense of humour ;)



Get a half decent sling, some extra mags and get out there and get you some FUN!

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i have gr16 cqw - and have copy eotech site, angled foregrip, short suppressor & tac-light, single point sling, plus an extra hi cap and a mid cap mag


Might get laser at some point in future


kit wise, i have some old british army dpm's, and have bought black tac vest, karimoor boots, viper fingerless gloves, a balaclava (ninja style not the holes) and a shemagh :-)


There is so so much more stuff i want - and i love the whole customising & buying kit nearly as much as playing - shame i'm not rich :-)

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Cheap army surplus clothing and boots: http://www.britishmilitarysurplus.co.uk/

Also get a hat, gloves, scarf (head, neck and hands are some of the most painful places to get shot). A boonie hat works well and I like scrim scarves but lots of people like a shermagh.

Goggles are a must, you can get a cheap pair of safety goggles from a DIY sore for about £1 or search around for a pair you like.

Mesh face masks can save expensive dental bills.

Consider getting a red dot sight, they are much easier to use than ironsights. If you look on Amazon.co.uk and search for 'red dot sight' in sports and leisure, there are all sorts of options. A lot of them will be coming from China so will take a while to arrive. They all do pretty much the same thing so the important thing to look for is 'does it look cool' :)

Alternatively look at taiwangun.com. If you want goggles, gloves, a vest, a red dot sight, spare mags etc. you will end up spending over the free delivery limit very easily and stuff will arrive quite quickly (they are in Poland so no tax or duty etc).

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