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Anyone fancy joining me for some WW2 airsoft?

This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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FilmSim events proudly presents...
A secret mission of WW2
Hockwerk 1945 - The Factory
25-27 July
Blue Streak Airsoft – Westcott Venture Park, Aylesbury, Bucks
£85 with £30 deposit via paypal [email protected]

Its 1945 and a secret rocket testing facility in Kassel on the Fulda river has been located and targeted by Allied Intelligence as a high priority. A number of specially trained soldiers have been dropped in and infiltrated the compound ahead of the main assault, however the main force must meet up and secure any intelligence the special units have gathered before they make their main assault.

It’s believed the factory has been used to produce and test the new V3 rocket, which was discovered during a covert mission called ‘Operation Vengeance’ in February at a secret launch in the Black Forest’. Although the war feels like it’s in the last swings of its dance, its unpredictable what lengths the Nazi’s will go to, especially with their backs against the walls.

This is a totally fictional Scenario based on real world facts and is more from the role-play side of WW2 airsoft than the open battles. More info will get added soon as well as the booking thread.
Obviously I plan to be on the allied side :)
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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