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C.I.A. Zombie Experience 22-23/03/14

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OK, so this isn't the official flier, it's one knocked up by Simon, one of their marshals, but according to Shaun, the manager, on their fb page, the event is definitely still on, they have just to organise some details before they post it up on their webby.

I've had this site on my radar for a while. From what I can gather the 'facilities' are a bit lacklustre shall we say, but the site itself sounds pretty good - a mix of woodland and buildings with sangars and trenches. FPS limits are low: 350 for AEG's and pistols, 400 / >20m for semi-auto DMR, 500 >20m for BASR, but MED's are reasonable. For myself I think a zombie day is a perfect time to visit a site where max range in woodland is less of an issue.

Anybody fancy it?
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So CIA say that places are filling fast: I've just booked for Saturday 22nd - never been to a zombie game before so I'm well exceited - hope to see some of you there :)


There is public transport to within what Google Maps calls a 4min walk from close to the train station also.


This is the booking link.

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Unfortunately I will not be able to attend due to dizzy spells which do not seem to be clearing up fast enough for me to be fit by the weekend. I'm so pissed off.


If anyone wants to go, there are 2 places available from CIA (the latest news on their fb group) and my ticket is for sale (£20) so that makes 3.

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Bloody hell, only just seen this. I've been fantasising about a zombie all dayer with games to capture resources etc. I'm off work sick at the moment so no way I'm going to be well enough for the weekend :(. If they run another I'll be on it.


If Tac House ran something like this it'd be amazing, that place is intense as it is with the small rooms but imagine going round a corner in one of the dark rooms and being in a zombies face ;). Plus, I do like my indoor sites when those April showers are a-threatening. If I didn't think it'd make me look a twat I'd suggest it to the site owners.

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Look like a twat? How?


I agree, Tac House would be a good zombie venue. I think that crew have done zombie games before but can't remember if it was @Tac Hse or The Stan.

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I dunno, I'm far too paranoid about folks opinions and as much as sites need to know what players want I think me approaching them with a complete game theme day might come across as me telling them how to run their business.


They certainly ran them at the stan, I think they may have ran a couple at tac house. I reckon if there was a team whose base was in the caravan hangar and another in the kill house with objectives being relayed by marshals via radio instead of breaking the day up in to sections adding to the immersion it could be ace. Imagine hard point on the chopper whilst being shot at by the other team AND being approached by zombies- it'd be mental. Add to that staying there overnight with the prospect of patrolling for zombies and the opposite team raiding for resources and you've essentially got The Walking Dead meets milsim......

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Yeah, good ideas.


Thing with worrying so much about people thinking you're a twat is that some people are proper twats and will see your reticence as weakness and take liberties. Better to practice on people who may have a giggle at your expense when you overstep, because yeah, feeling embarressed is unpleasant, but getting the full on rage when someone takes liberties AGAIN is worse...

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