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Delta ring removal

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Hi all,


As the title suggests I've come up against the delta ring on my KWA KM4S AR rifle. From what I gather, it unscrews and comes off but when I try and turn it, the outside of it is lose an turns. How do I get a grip on the whole thing and unscrew it?!

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You need a spanner to turn the serrated inner nut. That's the bit that is actually screwed to the received, not the large outer ring. If you remove the hand-guard and pull back the D ring you will see the inner nut. At a push you can use a set of plumbers pipe grips to turn the inner nut if you don't have access to the proper tool, but beware that the nuts can be a very tight fit and need a fair bit of strength to break the initial hold.

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There is usually a 'hole' in the outerring for the 'gas pipe' to go through. At a pinch you can push a screwdriver in to this hole and it will jam in the serations of the inner ring, this is usually enough to get things moving.

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