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Big favour needed

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Hi all,


I'm in need of a big favour and hope someone can help me out.


I'm hoping one of you from the swansea/bridgend/Cardiff areas would be as so kind as to let me borrow a M249 para not a two tone one for a few days.


I've been invited to show my military landrover at the classic car show in the nec in November and would like to have a M249 to display with it as this gun was used in this landrover while it served in Iraq. The gun will be well looked after and is just for show it will not be fired.


I hope someone can help me out.



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I don't have one & I'm nowhere near anyway, but I just thought I'd best but in on the side of realism. You want someone you don't know to lend you what is probably their pride and joy and is definitely a Realistic Imitation Firearm, as defined by the Violent Crime Reduction Act, and thus illegal for anyone to give to you in return for anything, even a friendly 'drink', unless you are a regular skirmisher...


As I say, realism. The only way I can see this happening is if you can get the owner of said M249 para to go to the show and meet you there. In which case it doesn't really matter if they're not that close to you, so long as you're paying travel expenses :)

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Well, why don't you buy a model m249? Or maybe a realistic cheap springer m249 and spray it black.

Frizz, are we really going to have to remind you why that's not good advice?


I know it was a long shot but I'd thought I'd ask. I've just found the springer version, and I'm going to get one of them.

As it not going to be seen close up by anyone so it will be fine .

The clue is in my 1st reply. There's a section of this forum devoted to UK law. The phrase you need to pay attention to is "manufacturing a RIF"...

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I'm sorry, but I just read one of the best reviews of all time:




exelent gun took it to a skermish got 50 kills and died 2 times range is well ove 50 and fps is closer to 350 than 250



That HAS to be someone trolling. Sounds like something Frizzle would write just to take the piss.......................

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OP I realise you want this for a prop so this one from a bbgunz shop will do but heed Ian's advice about the VCRA without some form of defence turning that into a realistic imitation firearm by painting could end up in a world of pain for you.


On a side note I love these sentences from their website and the review vid.


"Please do keep in mind this is a Very Good Quality Budget Spring Rifle, holding the gun by the stock and waiving it around will break it (This would void warranty under section due care and attention). Leaving the idiots aside this is worth every penny of your Money."


Not sure you can have "very good quality" and budget at the same time? Oxymoron I think. They then closely follow that by seeming to suggest their customers are idiots!


Spring action .... machine gun, another Oxymoron.

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Seriously OP, hire/persuade someone to be there with you - I've done it to allow my scoped L1A1 SLR to be used as a prop in a play on tour, although I did already know the borrower - I just didn't trust them with it without me there :lol:

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