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Airsoft Howitzer.

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I think impact grenades would be more fun........Off to the garage with me I think. Time to piss of the neighbors

I was thinking of something like that, a tornado impact grenade which releases a hail off BBs on impact. Maybe with a softer shell

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I was thinking small black powder charge with a BB shelll.....

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I was thinking small black powder charge with a BB shelll.....

Good luck with health and safety allowing that....

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Meh.......Looks like im going to russia.

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Last year I had plans to make a spring powered mortar to fire pyros, but I was told it's illegal. I'm not 100% sure of that, but using an explosive to power projectiles out of a barrel is definitely manufacturing a firearm, which is illegal without a license. Fcuk H&S, it's the coppers that would be after you...


I really want to go to Russia to airsoft one of these days: +1 mate!

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That is something that's not been considered.


If your canon is capable of firing any projectile with a muzzle energy of greater than 12 ft.lb then it becomes a controlled firearm, and would need to be held on an FAC.


If the projectile weighs 200 grams, it's easy to work out the ME.


Simply convert grams to grains. 1 Gram is 15.43 (ish) grains.


So 200 grams is 3000 grains roughly.


Now to calculate velocity for a given mass and muzzle energy.


Doing the maths, if your projectile travels at a velocity greater than about 41.8 fps then you're going to be over the allowed ME.


Now if your energy source were a spring or bow of some sort, there is no real energy limit, but using compressed air makes it an air gun.

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get a few of these then. they have about a 3-400ft distance on a full load of water. and its technically not powered by compressed gas, but compressed water.


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And if you have one of them at the same site as me I'm not playing I'll wait for the need for a First Aider and call the Ambulance and laugh and ask (while going through the Paramedic's bag's) can we use this really big bandage now?

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It seems nobody has the launcher tubes for those Hades thingies in stock. Probably just as well, although I expect they would be a lot safer with some foam glued to the tip. Does anyone know if there has been a decision as to whether those ICS pyro-nades are legal in the UK?

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maybe a better alternative >>


Thats it, im selling a kidney. I so want that launcher and ammo.........games would be fucking epic with a few of those.

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ohhhhh, i fell in love the first time i watched that :) I don't think they are being sold worldwide at all yet, let alone in the UK

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Ian, from my reading, those would fall under Section 5 of the firearms act (simple possession without lawful authority wins you a five year holiday at the taxpayers expense with all the nice drug dealers!) Anything that fires a projectile that is designed to explode on impact, and the projectiles themselves, comes under S5 (prohibited weapons)!

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I don't believe they explode on impact. looks like there is a slight timed fuse. What if you used a tornado impact grenade as they are not pyro but are powered by gas

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Ian, from my reading, those would fall under Section 5 of the firearms act (simple possession without lawful authority wins you a five year holiday at the taxpayers expense with all the nice drug dealers!) Anything that fires a projectile that is designed to explode on impact, and the projectiles themselves, comes under S5 (prohibited weapons)!

Yeah mate, I suspected it would be something like that. There's always a whining cnut with a gob big enough and psyche twisted enough to keep banging on and on about how anything fun needs to be controlled, until in the end politicians will vote such arseholery into law just so they can stop having to listen to it!


If I wasn't so trashed right now I'd find/start a thread on UKAPU. We need to push for an exemption to the law. Those ICS grenades don't do anything which a thrown pyro doesn't already do, it's just that a launcher can do it more accurately. I wonder if there's a specified defence for placing bonfire night rockets into tubes/bottles...


It does go bang, two_zero. Yeah, a 12 gauge blank !BOOM! would be better, or even a 9mm, but I'll take anything we can get. For me the main problem with thrown pyros is inaccuracy and them bouncing back at you; to be able to consistently place a bang or smoke pretty much where you want it would be a major step forward.

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It does go bang, two_zero. Yeah, a 12 gauge blank !BOOM! would be better, or even a 9mm, but I'll take anything we can get. For me the main problem with thrown pyros is inaccuracy and them bouncing back at you; to be able to consistently place a bang or smoke pretty much where you want it would be a major step forward.

the one in the youtube clip doesn't seem to go bang? or are we talking about the GLM? the main problem with throwing BFGs is that they are heavy and if they land on someones head they likely to cause real injure.

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Yeah, as much as I would love to see one of these in the field (and knowing me id be the first to get shot in the head....by my self) But there is always going to be that one health and safety guy in the corner making a list of all the "what ifs"


Maybe if they could throw in a alteration to allow the use in "adult military training simulation" where during an adult only game where each individual has signed a no libality disclaimer could they then use more of these fun toys, grenade launchers and howitzers included.

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@two_zero: are we watching the same vid? When the grenades go off you can hear the bang over the music... Do you mean the howitzer? Yeah, that would be better if the projectile exploded but even I, and I'm happy to take risks others shy away from, wouldn't want to be down range of something heavy enough to make an impressive bang fired from 200+m away. I'm not sure that BFG's need to be as heavy as they are, but there has to be a minimum weight in them so that the blank cannot impart sufficient recoil to them that they fly off in some random direction.


@Da_sheriff: I have no problem with noting down the "what ifs", it's the whinging about them that pisses me off. The point of a risk assessment, to my mind at least, is not to find reasons why you can't do something, it's to put reasonable precautions in place to prevent accidents and a comprehensive plan of action to deal with those scenarios which are possible but so unlikely that it isn't reasonable to go out of your way to prevent them, basically so that you can do it!

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Trust me Ian I know what you mean. Its just those blasted What ifs are all they want to consider. Most of the time its a case of them not wanting a case of an injured kid, which never looks good (which is why I said about maybe if they allowed it for over 18 events)

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