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The 'What have you just broken' Thread

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lo think i got it,(think i misplaced something slightly in the gear box, that or it was never in the right place) and its now shooting properly. though the trigger mechanism is still not working right, for either mode.... but then im missing half a pin(using a substitute till i can find one) and i dont think the others are positioned correctly... yea at this rate i think ill do a blog.... (ps, what section would i put blogs in for such a thing here)

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This one, I think.

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in-case i get better response, i snapped on of the pins in the single fire switch(trying to get ti to sit properly for single shot fire as it was partially burnt out) so think i might be as well buying the full switch if the one im looking at is right? http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/ultimate-switch-ver3-gearbox-16634 its for a jg aug which i believe is a version 3 gearbox?(still very much learning my internals...)

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I dunno much about AUG's but if the gearbox looks like this...


...that switch will fit.


I'm not sure if I've broken something or what's up, but my G36 Jetta is playing up. Her gearbox fires on semi or full auto when not in the lower receiver, but once it is in place with the pistol grip and lower sides on, she only fires on semi. There's no click of power getting to the motor, but the selector plate seems to be moving just fine and the trigger seems to pull back just as far. I'm at a loss, so any help with ideas would be appreciated, people...

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Just tripped over and snapped the toilet seat :/

Not gun related but still very much broken.

and really quite amusing.


I forgot to add that i managed to crack the feed lip on one of my glock mags at my last evening game. My new WAS mag pouches are not as tight as my old ones and the mag came flying out mid run and slammed into the floor. Bent the lip so the mag would not feed. I tried to ease it back and it cracked! whoooops

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I've just "broken" my right hand Oakley rip off glove...
What actually happened was pretty scary. Somebody posted a BFG through a hole in a wall of ammo boxes, behind which I was taking cover. I was mag changing and hunched over kneeling on one knee - I began to rise with the intention of shooting the poster to at least get him back for my impending hit, but I wobbled as I began to rise and instinctively put my right hand on the ground BFG to steady myself. It went off with a good portion of my weight pressing on my hand. It hurt. A burn and a 'slapped' feeling in the skin, but also that inner pain you get from whacking something with a steel rod when the shock is transmitted up it to your hand. When I saw the shredded cloth and discoloured skin I shat it!

I ought to have taken a pic before I cleaned it up, to show you what I mean because it looked way worse, but there was surprisingly little injury in the end:
...that discolouration is what is left after cleaning with plenty of alcohol swabs - it's a mixture of residue burned into the skin and carbonised skin (it smells faintly of barbecue). The black and brown stain originally covered the red mark you can see in the crook of my thumb and down over the webbed bit. I reckon that the glove saved that thin webbed skin from worse injury. Anyway... pheeeeeeeeee-fcuking-ew!


All Images Uploaded with ImageShack.us

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Better than falling down stairs and breaking your noggin in half!

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How did you manage that?

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Looks like you got away from that pretty lucky Ian, I doubt a 12 gauge blank would've been so kind! Those fuckers blow holes in things.


Looks like you just got a bit of power burn and a nasty shock. Lucky beggar.

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Yeah, i think i'll just stick with my Pyrohide & Kevlar ones. They're a bit too thick for handling fiddly little things, but i seriously doubt i'd have even had a red mark through them. Limited budget until after NAE13 too and then we're heading into colder times so i'd be wearing heavier gloves anyway.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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So I'd forgotten / put out of my mind that my comms gave up the ghost at NAE13 - my motorola XTR446 receives but doesn't transmit. TBH considering how little I paid for it, I've more than had my money's worth - £14 delivered iirc for about 10 months great comms.


I'm not sure whether to replace it for another the same, get an XTNiD, or try a Midland G7. What I'm thinking is that a Motorola will work with the PTT I already have, whereas I'd need a new one for a Midland. But then again I'm thinking I might buy a new headset anyway: the Z-Tactical EVO III Bowman, because the boom mic is removable so I could use it with a respirator mic (I have 2 RS ones for S10's lol - they came with a bunch of NBC kit I bought uber cheap), so I might be able to get one with a new PTT cheaper than separately...


But I'm also thinking that I know how to use the XTR and are more bells & whistles actually going to help, or will I just ignore them because fiddling about with comms in the middle of a skirmish is a major ball ache? Bottom line 0.5W is 0.5W and I doubt there's so much difference in reception that the XTNiD is worth buying just for that and the Midland reception would probably be no better than my XTR was.


Oops, I forgot that I also broke the cover off my hydration bladder's bite valve. If anyone knows where you can get them separately, pls let me know.

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Cheers that's more useful than the bite valve i have, and i may get it, but what i broke and lost was a cover which goes over the bit i put in my mouth to keep it clean between sucks. anybody know for one of them?

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M83 sadf assult vest quite a good find did pay over the odds i think not to order from south africa

wrong thread mate :) muahahaha!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well not exactly 'broken', but I finally fixed my MP5's hop unit. The nub had moved 7mm from where it was supposed to be, so it was a cinch fixing it. Sadly, Cyma, with their infinite common sense, had sealed the pin you need to remove to take the hop arm out. They'd actually set it with thin plastic! I had to break through it to actually get the pin out, and then it wouldn't stay put afterwards.

Humbrol to the rescue.


Anyways I did some testing at 30m range and found the unit overhopping while on full, something it hasn't done since before I installed a tight bore in February! I have yet to shoot at longer ranges and with heavier ammo, and something tells me it's gonna be good :)

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The pot metal slide on my M9 has started warping,just the front ring where the barrel goes through. It does foul the blowback a bit.


Afraid of filing it down because there are tiny tiny cracks coming off it.


Thankfully I've made a deal with my Dad to pay 50-50 for a Tm hicapa,this just adds another excuse to get one.


Damn shame for the M9 though,I expected it to die a glorious death in battle holding off a wave of enemies,not bloating and bursting like a morbidly obese yank's heart.

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