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Rubbing alcohol for barrel cleaning

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

Why not but some white spirit, petrol or similar which you may already have in the house will work if that's what you're wanting to do.


Moved to advice and technical help.

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Why not but some white spirit, petrol or similar which you may already have in the house will work if that's what you're wanting to do.


Moved to advice and technical help.


Thanks & sorry for putting it in the wrong section, the reason i asked is because its on 70% alcohol & the rest is water but this should dry up quite quick right?

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  • AF-UK Founding Member

Won't be a problem. Every fluid needs to dry, just use it sparingly and repeat several times rather than trying to do it once and using loads. Applies to whatever you're using it on.

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Won't be a problem. Every fluid needs to dry, just use it sparingly and repeat several times rather than trying to do it once and using loads. Applies to whatever you're using it on.


thanks :)

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I use rubbing alcohol to clean my barrel, but the stuff I use is 99.99% isopropyl alcohol, it's pretty good and dries pretty much instantly which is always nice.

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