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Torch shot out again!!!!!

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So i just put in a replacement lens last night in my rail mounted torch (ultrafire, the surefire clones I'm sure you're all familiar with) and it got shot out again. Not even two hours play.


Does anyone have any alternatives to the 1.4mm glass lenses or tips on how to protect the glass and keep the brightness/throw of the light?

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perspex, if you make a few up, and then as they scratch over a fews dozen plays, you can drop a new one in.


should only cost about 10p a lens that way. just watch the unit doesnt get too hot (as it will melt)

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Or you coild pop down to a car window tinting shop and buy a small amount of security film and apply it to the lens,this also works for your acog or scopes and you can get it shaded to help reduce scope glint....hope this helps!!!

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