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China, the most disgusting & horrific place...

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. KFC. Sometimes even kicked to death.

I doubt it, that really isn't an efficient way of doing it.


And damn it, I wasted my 300th special post on this sh*t.

No you didn't this is in the off topic section, so it doesn't count. Luckily for us we get to see another of your posts in another topic :lol:

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All I can say is, necroposting, much?

All you really did was swap China for India. Anywhere that does that to animals can be labelled as the worst place in the world, I don't see what it matters... If it happened in my back garden I'd say that was the worst place in the world, we're not hating it because it's China, we're hating it because of what happens in that video.

I've seen loads of images from Romania and Eastern Europe where stray dogs can be legally killed "by any means" which for some sick fuckholes involves dragging them with trucks until they literally erode away against the road, among other, equally sick things. It is fundamentally fucking wrong. China, Romania, India, with regard to animal abuse, what's the difference? Where it happens is the worst place in the world.

The UK and places where we get our meat from are regulated for hygiene and H&S reasons, animals are killed humanely and in the most efficient way possible.

I can get over the fact that we breed animals just to kill them and eat them, because if you think about it, farming meat is just a natural progression from hunting. It makes sense. I'm sure foxes would rear chickens and lambs if they were able to, it just makes sense.

Killing animals for fur is just plain wrong. If you're going to kill anything, you ought to make the most of what's left afterwards, not just lob 95% of it on a pile and let it die in agony and then rot into nothing.

What dies should give life giving sustenance to someone, somewhere. Not just make some slag happy because her coat cost £6k.

I don't have a problem with hunting deer, because the deer has more of a chance to live a longer life if it's reared in a sanctuary or whatever, in order to be hunted. It has a chance to evade the hunter, dodge the bullet, or whatever. It isn't being systematically slaughtered en masse, so it's actually better than farming imo.

Fox hunting though, that was fucked up. Even for the dogs and horses involved.

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hey man im in asia at the moment and the shit they put up with here is not good.

today i went to the War Remenants museum in Ho Chi Minh city aka saigon. after being there i dont know how any american could ever look a vietnamese person in the eye. 2 generations later the people are still suffering from the chemical weapons used by the us. i have seen and heard some of the terrible things the supposed superiour civilised nation did to the people. its there in black and white photos. findings from western countries who have investigated it. still the USA does nothing to help this part of the world they destroyed. i would go as far as to say that after seeing all this its not far off what hitler did.

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Take India for example (sorry if you people are from there), but Islamic people can be buried shoulder height and then stoned to dead if they break a strict Islamic rule or even be whipped to death.


Pretty sure you mean Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran, Afghanistan or Quatar etc when you said that. Over 80% of Indians are hindu.

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Pretty sure you mean Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran, Afghanistan or Quatar etc when you said that. Over 80% of Indians are hindu.

Indeed, serious geography lessons required.


That said, china is a bit of a different beast... Their whole ideology is different to ours and their view on what is right and wrong is different to ours. Perfect evidence of that are the living key rings which are a tiny baby animal (fish or turtle normally) stuck in a bubble of plastic. They normally live a couple of days before suffocating and being thrown away. These aren't an isolated thing either, they're a popular consumer product which are sold in the millions, some (including me) would say this is a cruel and unpleasant practice but in china things are different; people have different values and animal life is cheap.


As for people earning a penny a day, you're exaggerating a little (a lot), maybe a few decades ago but modern china is a whole load different.


Read a little, watch a few documentaries, speak to people who have been there in the last few years.


India is worse though, it stinks like shit almost everywhere!

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Read a little, watch a few documentaries, speak to people who have been there in the last few years

.............................. you trolling? You do realise i'm asian and I have asian parents who have lived in China for 20 years and grand parents in China whom I f*cking skype to often?


That said, the reason why they use turtles is because they believe that it brings good luck and if it dies, then it means that it has died in your place, meaning you would've died but it has taken the hit for you.


That's why quite a lot of chinese people own quite a few turtle to protect themselves from "imaginary" f*cking idiotic ghosts.


And yes, this belief is a tad drastic and i agree too, quite a lot of China still lives in the past.


My dad believes he's seen his mother (past away) again, my mum believes in ghosts and presumably, my grandparents believe in haunted "beings" also. My sister maybe does but I don't. Because if you all open your fucking eyes, it's stupid. I mean, owning turtles just to take hits from you? Really? Are they really that stupid? And yes, I am insulting turtle owners who believe this "ghosts" mother fudging thingy majig.

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He's actually funny even when he doesn't mean to be

What??? So my all serious rant about China not being the worst place even is funny?! ................... Fcuking hell....... Your sense of humor is a tad over the top.


"My wife died in a car crash dad... *sob* *sob* *sob*"


"Ahhhh son........ i'm so sorry that she's not by your side anymore. I mean, that's fcuking hillarious news man! Best thing i've heard this week!"



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well someone insulted his heritage. than people are discussing a country they havent visited. i know i keep saying it but im in asia NOW and its not great. theres alot of homeless and poveity. in some places peoples daily wage is less than the price of a local beer here. the cultures are so different.

the things he says about what people believe sound crazy to our perspective but look at any culture objecticely and it sounds mental. in uk people have riots over football teams. they dont work or shops close early on a sunday even tho 90% of people never go to church. people believe a little cross or picture of a saint will save them from harm. we cry about eating horse??? we eat unfertilised chickens.

everything is mental. its friggin thunder dome.

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well someone insulted his heritage. than people are discussing a country they havent visited. i know i keep saying it but im in asia NOW and its not great. theres alot of homeless and poveity. in some places peoples daily wage is less than the price of a local beer here. the cultures are so different.

the things he says about what people believe sound crazy to our perspective but look at any culture objecticely and it sounds mental. in uk people have riots over football teams. they dont work or shops close early on a sunday even tho 90% of people never go to church. people believe a little cross or picture of a saint will save them from harm. we cry about eating horse??? we eat unfertilised chickens.

everything is mental. its friggin thunder dome

The first paragraph is one of things i'm trying to say. Because there are homeless people, they are exploited to work long hours for millions below minumum wage if they even have that.


It kinda feels like the gold mining in the amazon forest. They are poor at first, they work long hours to find gold, they eventually split it up between themselves, usually worth £40-£80. Then they waste it on beer and useless items making them have to work all over again. At the same time, the military is also planning to shut them down for good and make everyone else suffer.

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What??? So my all serious rant about China not being the worst place even is funny?! ................... Fcuking hell....... Your sense of humor is a tad over the top.


"My wife died in a car crash dad... *sob* *sob* *sob*"


"Ahhhh son........ i'm so sorry that she's not by your side anymore. I mean, that's fcuking hillarious news man! Best thing i've heard this week!"




Frizzle, you must remember that on the internet and anywhere else for that matter, people might find thigns funny that you don't.

Think of controversial humour, people might find it funny, but you might not like it. Just don't take too much thought of it.


Anyways, I don't think China is one of the worst countries in the world, infact, I think it's probably one of the best at the moment. It's certainly one of, if not the fastest developing countries in the world. But I do find it disgusting that China still isn't against the trading of fur. But then again, they need to make as much money as possible. So, if everyone just stops buying it, then China will stop supplying it. Basic economics


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I didn't read the thread. But make no mistake, the fur industry in general is gruesome, even in the west.



oh and on a related topic: imagine.. whole day... everyday... from birth to death.



This is England. Buy freerange.

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