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Top Guns

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If you haven't been watching Top Guns on the Military/History(?) Channel you're missing out!


Made by the same people that made Top Shot they shoot and review 3 similar weapons per episode. I confess to being a bit late in posting this as I think the series is nearly over but there is still chance to catch episodes on long range rifles and SWAT tech.


Quite fancied a P90 for a while after one episode :D

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Watched the first one for 15 minutes, got very annoyed at the total bollox they were talking about "yes the BAR was introduced to the US troops in WWI replace the UNRELIABLE belt fed MAXIMS" No I don't f-ing think so, it was to replace the awful French made "Chau chau" as we could not produce enough lewis guns for us let alone the yanks. Then they are comparing the BAR ( effectlively a light support weapon) to a p90 and a Aug, I mean duh. A comparable would be the BAR-m60-m249 rather than a LSW-SMG-BR


So I rage quited after about 20 minutes. I always wanted top shots to be a version of this, but it is filled with such badly researched information then nope, not bothered.

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"Similar" you say?




I think I'll give it a miss unless I fancy trolling retards on YouTube in the comments.

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