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HK toy fair

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Posting from my phone so can't get photos up right now but thought I'd share some news


From Magpul pts

Pdr shown off

Iron ridge IRA X

KWAa lm4 with Mega arms rec, str stock and ff rail kit trainer arms I believe.

Also showed a gbb Masada/ACR. This is anew one not the old beta project one kwa based should take lm4 mags I guess?



Showed off their UAR

Dmr version, think it was called the UPR- maybe slightly wrong on that


WE had their katana system rifles on display

Someone on armies spoke to James there, seems the scar H and mp5 are on the way


I'll post up more if I remember anything and will get around to putting up pictures at soem point too.

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Katana System?


Are they the budget PDW type guns?


KWA based Masada sounds very promising.

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I think Ed mean's PTW.


I think I remember something about a D being in the UDR.

Remind's me of the PDR but it' been around longer Go figure/

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I did mean PTW lol

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Its definitely a UAR lol Craig, surprisingly nice for a made up rifle too.

Been reading up on the lm4's from kwa, and if the system they put in the masada /acr is as good as in the AR's its sure to be a winner. I'm not a massive Magpul fan but so long as the dmr parts are available it'd make a nice rifle.


Yes ed, the katana is a similar idea to the ptw from we. 416 and scar H versions coming up too

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