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Photos from the field

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I think The Mall had 100 players the past weekend... It didn't seem to affect things though; although it did allow me to rack up 25 (confirmed) kills due to my ninjaness... Love my CQB setup now.

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That's kind of how I felt my local got, I still go occasionally but now just for night games or when I've checked the player numbers for the day. I felt it was fine at 30, 35 at a push but it's been up to 60+ a couple of times and kills it slightly for me. Then again others have had great days playing so maybe it's just me?



It's a shame some sites don't cap their player counts to suit gameplay. I'd imagine I would feel differently if it was my business though.


Sometimes, it does feel like a player cap might be needed, but it's a great site regardless. It wasn't that packed today either, only about 40ish people

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Is that a blackout housing on your camera? GoPro, I believe. If so, does the casing remove the red light emitted by the camera during filming? That light makes it difficult to film at The Mall, as it's a beacon to my head...

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Guest PT247

it is the standard go-pro case painted black, the front red light no longer shows through it. Still has the display on show though.

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Just stick a bit of tape over the top?

Used tape last time; thing is, when you are trying to set up an ambush in the pitch dark basement of athe Mall, even that can seep out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

some Pics from two weeks ago at black ops cribbs in bristol. rocking an ARES scar and we XDM






and some southpaw action


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The MDF group team photo towards the end of the day with other forum members BrightCandle & BBrotherwood.

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couple of pics from a day of skirmishing yesterday.




and my personal favourite


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Dang... All these pics make me wanna go to some woodland games... But I don't actually have a gun suitable for it; I would think that my MP7, despite being a TM, would be a little outclassed... And my M4 is in pieces, and who knows if it will even work acceptably once I do get it working...

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Dang... All these pics make me wanna go to some woodland games... But I don't actually have a gun suitable for it; I would think that my MP7, despite being a TM, would be a little outclassed... And my M4 is in pieces, and who knows if it will even work acceptably once I do get it working...


They've got some nice range on them so you'd be surprised.

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Few from ironsight airsoft at the weekend.







Purple mags? Purple mags!! Do want!





that gun.





the photograper is a spy!

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I used to use violet LX tape on my mags, because nobody else was doing it so I knew they'd be clearly ID'd as mine if i dropped any but also because i wanted to stop having red or green tape on them which could (and had been) mistaken as a team colour. But i've stopped that now because it stands out in foliage - i use brown LX tape now.

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11109615_957952780922144_890168436507477How to arrive in style to a site :)

This is after about 2 hours of cycling.

11257193_957952777588811_40628924610878911219488_957953624255393_351452510294214There was a Yank along too :)

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was a good day,


"it emerges"



"why does my gun look so small"


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"it emerges"


"why does my gun look so small"



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One from the weekend at Strikeforce cqb Gloucester



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Screen grab from an upcoming video that I thought looked pretty cool.

You can just about see the next shot ready to be loaded.

I peaked the corner, saw the guy coming at me and had about 2 seconds to prep before he was on me, so switching shoulders to get shots off sooner was a safer bet than fully switching hands and risking being caught mid-transition.

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