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team flex

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    team flex reacted to CaptainSwoop in Gun picture thread   
    One of these you mean?
  2. Like
    team flex reacted to TheFull9 in Gun picture thread   
    I think he most probably knew what you were on about mate.
  3. Like
    team flex reacted to Lozart in Gun picture thread   
    Could be a bit unwieldy with the wheels bolted on but yeah.
  4. Like
    team flex reacted to jcheeseright in Gun picture thread   
    so what you're saying is that if someone draws an anime poster of a character holding a particular type of gun... you'll be more inclined to want to buy it?
  5. Like
    team flex reacted to CaptainDumbass in Gun picture thread   
    Annnnnndddddd moving on swiftly.
    Nothing special, but I won't be airsofting for a month of two *cri ,_,* so i thought id take some proper photos of my scar before she's put away.
    I usually use a pressure switch for the T6 light and use a green laser PEQ box, but I was too lazy to mount them on and wire them up.
    (Excuse the dodgy photo quality and the floppy magpul)

    Here are some close ups of the EoTech 552 I laser engraved but never got round to posting.

  6. Like
    team flex reacted to armyamy in Gun picture thread   
    Needs a new paint job i think.
    Mods please amend if ive not posted the pic correctly
    Its a Dboys M4 RIS..
    Yeh thining of going back to black
  7. Like
    team flex reacted to Mack in Airsoft spring sizes.   
    You pretty much have the aswer in your post
  8. Like
    team flex got a reaction from Lozart in is this gun worth the money? G&G SCAR L   
    haha thanks, jesus, really looking forward to this gun
    ok thanks, will go digging around
  9. Like
    team flex reacted to Mike636 in Don't be a knob :)   
    I heard somewhere that the officer had taken first pressure, which is a knats hair from going bang. If you see the video of the officers attending the Lee Rigby incident they decamp, draw and fire in about a second
  10. Like
    team flex reacted to Lozart in is this gun worth the money? G&G SCAR L   
    Right then.
    I have a G&G SCAR-L. It's ace. Ignore anyone that says you can fold the stock for CQB because 1) that's NOT why the stock folds and 2) it's a pain to try and use with the stock folded anyway.
    If you buy the CQC version the gun comes with a barrel extender to the same length as the standard rifle. This can be easily unscrewed which then gives you the CQB length gun. Simples.
    I run a 7.4v LiPo in mine ( this one in fact: http://www.componentshop.co.uk/7-4v-2200mah-35c-lipo-battery.html ) and it's fine and dandy. It does NOT need a cranestock battery as the battery space is a big square block in the buttstock. The ONLY reservation I have is that it's quite easy to bend the pins the connect the main part of the gun to the battery holder, but it's easy to not fuck it up - you just need to be a bit aware of what you're doing when you fit the battery.
    You WILL need a downgrade spring though. When mine turned up it was shooting at the thick end of 400FPS! Get the shop to do it for you and aim to be under 340FPS as then you'll have no trouble with any of the sites you might want to use (CQB sites for example tend to be quite low on muzzle velocity).
    Well worth the money and a gun that will last you a decent length of time too. Good choice.
  11. Like
    team flex reacted to two_zero in good idea on pistols   
    I used to only do CQB. a BFG is more beneficently, IMO. but then again, suppose it's personal. and no, best pistol is not necessarily what you think looks cool. Mag captacity, gas capacity, weight, feel, quality, aftermarket parts, spares, price, reliability etc. etc. My priority is reliability and funfactor when it comes to sidearm.
    and if you dont have "Mags, gear or a better AEG or maybe a 2nd AEG", then yes. but the fact is, you dont need your 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th aeg either. or your 30th mag.
  12. Like
    team flex reacted to BrightCandle in is this gun worth the money? G&G SCAR L   
    I am bit more practical than that. I dislike the M4 because of the high stock, but I also recognise that M4 magazines are vastly better than anything else in terms of options. The SCAR L combines a lower stock which is better for a mesh facemask and can take M4 magazines and has the rail space to fit just about anything. It might very well be an ugly looking gun but its very practical from an airsoft perspective. Internally its pretty upgradeable as well, the only real drawback I feel is the battery, which is of the small type due to that folding stock.
  13. Like
    team flex reacted to Happy in is this gun worth the money? G&G SCAR L   
    Everything's down to preference. I love the look of AUGs and P90s but a lot of people despise them. I don't like m4 platforms but (almost) everyone has one haha
  14. Like
    team flex reacted to Monty in Where do you guys learn stuff?   
    The internet
    I regularly browse through the threads to gain knowledge, sometimes I'll watch Ed's videos, James yeager's gear reviews, ect. Exciting, I know.
  15. Like
    team flex reacted to cropzy in New to airsoft and first game this weekend, any tips?   
    Be honest and call your hits.
    Talk to people, everyone is generally friendly.
    Don't talk about stuff like COD.
    Keep well hydrated.
    Mags out in SZ.
    Make sure you wear decent eyepro.
    Never point your RIF at anybody in the SZ.
    You wont need extra BB's as the site will supply them.
    Do research and read our guides
    Take food because you do get hungry.
    Tell people about AF-UK!
    Also welcome to AF-UK!
    Enjoy your stay!
  16. Like
    team flex reacted to Happy in New to airsoft and first game this weekend, any tips?   
    I went alone my first game with a cheap trishot, a pocket full of shells and a well worn pair of dpm trousers. Suffice to say I was shown many times why even though shotguns are awesome you will be cut down more often than not haha
    Tips for first game:
    1. Hydration! You will be running around (hopefully) so you will get dehydrated. Take a large bottle of water with you and leave it in the safe zone.
    2. Call your hits! It's a game of trust. If you cheat you'll be labelled as such and possibly banned from future events at that site. If in doubt, call yourself out.
    3. Take what you need. Yeah it's fun to roll up in full combat gear like some dudes, but for a first game (with no UKARA) you will only need a rifle, some BBs, face protection and sturdy boots.
    4. Rent your gun till you get UKARA sorted. Self explanatory really. You won't be allowed a shiny black toy till you've met the UKARA criteria.
    5. Talk to people. Great ice breaker is to ask about their weapons - everyone likes to show off.
    6. Read Ian's excellent guide:
    Above all enjoy yourself and have fun
    P.s. Welcome to the site mate
  17. Like
    team flex reacted to BrightCandle in So we can't buy RIFS without jumping through hoops and yet...   
    When you look at it logically you have a toy that is considerably less powerful than most airguns that don't have the same hoops as you can walk out to a shop right now and buy a semi auto air gun. They have the hoops purely because it looks like something more dangerous and its for airsoft and not another similar hobby like paintball. That doesn't really make any logical sense, a gun that is dangerous you can just buy but something that can't remotely kill someone requires proof you intend to use it in the appropriate places? These laws and the application of them wasn't really about actually making things safer, it was about being seen to do something. Its easy enough to make the argument that any reasonable skirmisher should be able to meet these requirements yearly and a new player doesn't have to wait very long at all. Just joining a rifle club with a police check can take 6-8 weeks these days so its not like 2 months is out of the question for an industry run scheme.
    The hoop however distorts the retail market. Either making rental guns far more important and lucrative than they would otherwise be and causing the sale of a lot of two tone weapons as temporary replacements. You could argue the current system is very much advantageous to the retailers because they often get to sell two guns purely because of UKARA and how they interpreted the law. I don't think its a really arduous hoops, its mostly impacting on new people coming into the hobby and making it more expensive for them to do so by about £100 where I am (either the gun is ~£100 or rental at £30 a game). Having to lump down rental money for 2 months or buy a beginners two tone isn't awful but its also increasing revenue to the airsoft stores and sites.
    Then what wolfarmouries does is allow you to buy a RIF from them and they will bring it along to any game you prebook, so you can avoid the rentals and still use your gun in games. That is great, its also a wonderful way to ensure all players at Bunker 51 have to buy their gun from them, helping to make them much cheaper overall than their competitors even if they are charge more for the gun itself. That is just another little application of the implications of this minor hoop that makes stores that run sites and run a similar scheme get to increase their yearly sales a little even if they are more expensive than the others.
    Its not that the hoops are really bad, I don't think its reasonable to argue against the 2 month minimum or the 3 game yearly limit they are in my mind perfectly reasonable measures. But we also have to recognise that some sites charge for getting the UKARA form stamped for a yearly membership to their site as well, just another way in which UKARA is used. We do have to recognise it distorts the retail and site market and its being used to fleece us of more cash, and puts a barrier in the way for new players who are disadvantaged by it.
  18. Like
    team flex reacted to Longshot in So we can't buy RIFS without jumping through hoops and yet...   
    I'm just going to point out that the law and UKARA are not the same thing. The law doesn't say you have to play anywhere for any amount of time, UKARA does.
  19. Like
    team flex reacted to BrightCandle in So we can't buy RIFS without jumping through hoops and yet...   
    Another area where it isn't consistent is air guns. You can get a 6ft/lb (8j I think) pistol that fires either pellets or steel BB's and get them in real steel look and feel without any UKARA, the only provision being a face to face sale. Admittedly its not an assault rifle but if you get a considerably less dangerous airsoft pistol (1j and plastic BBs) its got to be two toned. That makes no logical sense at all.
    But as a responsible adult and airsofter I jump through the governments hoops when it comes to firing and owning firearms. I bring no attention to myself, I don't share the hobby with my family or most of my friends and I just keep it under wraps. Our country has a cultural aversion to guns because some horrible people have done some horrific things with them. For now at least I am happy that I can still get a RIF airsoft gun and go run around and play solder and shoot at least some real steel guns in a rifle club.
  20. Like
    team flex reacted to Lozart in So we can't buy RIFS without jumping through hoops and yet...   
    http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0050RGSRW/ref=s9_simh_gw_p200_d0_i4?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=07B7SKVBE2X8N3ENZYV2&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=455344027&pf_rd_i=468294 is freely available through Amazon.
    What the actual fudge is that all about?
  21. Like
    team flex reacted to evilfree in So we can't buy RIFS without jumping through hoops and yet...   
    It is retarded isnt it.
    A normal person wouldnt see the difference between that, an airsoft gun or a real steel.
  22. Like
    team flex reacted to Zak Da Mack in good idea on pistols   
    Get a WE Glock 18c. The blowback is awesome and the full auto is deadly.
  23. Like
    team flex reacted to two_zero in good idea on pistols   
    non blowback seems a bit of a waste to me. as you say, it's mainly a "cool accessory"... so get one that blows as hard as possible and makes as much noise as possible - as fun as possible in other words!
  24. Like
    team flex reacted to DX115FALCON in question about two tone   
    You seem to say this a lot. Are you the Forum's official UKARA expert
  25. Like
    team flex reacted to two_zero in question about two tone   
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