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Everything posted by chazman94

  1. This fits all my gear plate carrier belt rig holster and gas and bbs and the like perfectly and they will embriod your name and that aswell free. Also can be carried on your back. https://www.police- supplies.co.uk/protec-multi-psu-kit-bag?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4omaBhDqARIsADXULuUPvgeeP2u6F-uQkgRcZOyNX0Lw8Idj-uWYwjWM0kGwMtf09tsyzyQaAlPFEALw_wcB
  2. What size and does it include dangler backpack sling mag pouches?
  3. If available msg me interested
  4. Ukara gained uncontrollable spending started 😭🤭

    1. Rogerborg


      You, sir, are the lifeblood of the hobby, the hero every retailer deserves.



    2. Madhouse


      Excellent work! Better to buy it now, it'll be more expensive by next month so technically you're saving money.

  5. Thanks for the replies will ask site 👍
  6. Hello played my first game on may 1st followed by second on may 15th am I right in thinking 56 days after my first game I can play my third to gain ukara? So that being 26th june
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