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Posts posted by Esoterick

  1. Actually a lot of people get into airsoft for fun not realism because its in no way realistic.

    As I have said before milsim is a great idea and the way forward for airsoft. Unfortunately though some players do need to recognise its a game to be played for fun and not real life.


    I like the events where it's kit based so you aren't playing spot the armband as it's a horribly flawed way of denoting which team someone is on. There's also quite a lot of skirmish sites where it feels like the objectives for the day have been made up on the spot.


    I'm not sure if I can be arsed to ever play through the weekend, although i'd be up for stuff where it's a full session saturday, then camping with another session on sunday.

  2. Welcome to the forum. To be honest that guy sounds like an utter bellend regardless of whether or not he reached that rank, which is unlikely. Either way that sort of thing is almost universally frowned upon.


    It all depends on how far you are willing to drive, i'm out High Wycombe way but I would recommend the following:

    Xsite: The Outpost(Dunstable) - Good CQB site, it has some outdoor fighting but most of the gameplay is based around the large building in the centre of the site.

    RIFT Com3(Banbury) - A woodland site that regularly attracts 100+ players. The standard of play and marshaling is consistently high.

    Bluestreak(Aylesbury) - It's an outdoor site with lots of buildings. Only been once but the marshals were good and no issues with hit taking. Heard mixed things about this site but couldn't fault it personally.


    I have a feeling there's a couple of decent sites out your way but drawing a blank on which ones.

  3. It could be that the mags are leaking. Easiest way to check would be to listen for a faint hissing sound(right after filling it with gas) and also compare how many shots you get out of a mag if you fill it up and fire it immediately vs leaving it filled up for a couple of hours before using it.

  4. It will depend on the site, most I've played at specify it has to be a rubber knife that is flexible enough to bend back on itself. Another site says that or rubber chickens :lol:


    The best thing to do is check with whichever site you are planning on using it at. Sites also tend to allow a tap on the shoulder to act as a knife kill, but not all do. Personally when I have the drop on someone at close range I just shoot them once or twice, but knife kills are pretty funny.

  5. It's all down to personal opinion. If I had not driven so far id have walked out.


    May just have been they didn't like our team.


    That's a fair point, it is all down to opinion as I've really enjoyed sites some people have really slated. Likewise we both played at a certain CQB site(not yours) where we seemed to have polar opposite views of the day. It was the worst day of Airsoft I've played by far, although the chaps running it seemed like good guys so maybe it's tightened up as it had only just opened. Although I still wouldn't go back there.



    I thought it worked the other way? A tighter bore barrel gave you better range and accuracy ? But then again I don't know much in this game lol. I am definatly considering to not bother with the barrel if it's going to jeopardise my accuracy that's one thing with this gun the accuracy is good and I'd hate to balls it up because I jumped the gun and changed the barrel thinking I knew what I was doing and I really don't. :(


    If anything I saw a slight increase in accuracy switching to a 6.03 Prometheus barrel, but I did also switch the hop rubber at the same time. Overall it was debatable if it was worth the money, but I guess you can always switch back to the stock parts easily if you don't like the results.

  7. Ok, that's an understandable interpretation, clearly I could've taken some more time writing in a clearer version of what I was saying. I don't particularly need or indeed welcome the assessment of my personality if truth be told, to me personally that comes across as condescending in the extreme on a very personal level going far beyond anything airsoft related, but I'm fairly sure that's not your intention so hey, I'm a' keep on strollin'.


    I'm not quite sure where you are coming from with this. Feel free to drop me a private message if you wish to discuss this further.

  8. Yeah it will cause more stress on the gun, dunno how much by. They used to just offer spring changes and I asked the same question when I bought mine, they then changed this to a gear and spring upgrade package a while later.


    It's a pretty contentious subject with TMs and I used to be opposed to messing about with them, but now I own a second recoil with a load of work done on it :lol:

  9. You're welcome to your opinion based on your personal interpretation of how you think I'm 'speaking' as it were. Of course when you choose to resort to the personal insults as well which I think says more about you than it does me, but hey I'm welcome to my opinion too as it happens. None of it means my intentions aren't also honest.


    I thought your initial post came across as quite hostile. You also don't need to call someone a slang word for penis for it to be seen seen as "personal". You normally come across as quite level headed, although not so much in that initial post.


    The problem likely lies in how things are perceived in text, although I'm not trying to vouch for anyone as they are more than capable of defending themselves. It's why I prefer to talk to people over the phone as opposed to via email at work.

  10. As for Blackhawk! stuff, their holsters are 'acceptable' at best, they're certainly not one of the top hard holster makers anymore, the rest of the kit they make these days is fairly dire. We had a bunch of Blackhawk! Strike plate carriers issued on my most recent deployment and not one of them lasted more than 3 months without a seam fraying or a clip breaking. That's pretty sh*t considering the Osprey vests everyone else had (which are some really bargain basement stuff) held up fine.


    Out of interest what is bad about their holsters? I was running and stood on a rotten piece of chip board which caused my feet to shoot out from under me and I landed hard on my holster. There are some gouges in my pistol from it but the holster just has some minor scuffs on it.


    I don't think they are particularly good value for money but that seems to be an English market thing more than anything.

  11. I'd get something cheap like an ASG SAS 12 unless you've used shotguns before and know you like them, plus you play a lot of CQB(even then most, if not all gas shotguns are out of your price range). I had a TM M870 Breacher and it was a good gun but didn't get used much as I didn't play at sites very often where it would even be better than a pistol overall.


    The advantage of gas shotguns is they are very easy to cock, the downside is the gas is finite so you need extra shells AND gas magazines if you get through a lot of ammo.

  12. Another case of sh*tty parenting. I have a 13 year old son and he has been taught (by me) to treat his BB gun as if it were the real thing. That way when I feel he's old enough he can come shooting with me for real.


    There a lot of uncontrolled children on face book. Let's Just hope he's bullied in school. But u can be sure that as soon as he starts drinking and goo out he will soon be put in his place.


    It's the same as the kids screaming stuff on Xbox live etc. Always think where are their parents as they should be bursting in the room half way through their tirade and slapping them so hard across the back of the head that their headset falls off.

  13. 7) The velocity limits is 1.3 Joule, (approx 350 fps) with a .2g BB for AEG’S (Automatic Electric Guns). There is a 5% leeway for chronograph variation. Single shot guns Sniper Rifles and Pistol 2.5 Jouls (approx 520 fps) with a .2g BB, with a minimum engagement distance of 15 meters for Sniper Rifles.




    Looks like this applies to all sites as there are exceptions for Blitz in there, you could always message them on Facebook if you wanted to double check though.

  14. I normally wear German Para boots, but then I mainly play woodland. I've got some 5.11 trainer type shoes that I wear casually but also in places like the Mall, nice and comfortable with good grip and ankle support. I don't think I would be too keen wearing expensive boots in woodland as I normally come out of games with big gouges in my boots.

  15. One thing to consider when using weapons boxes is people will generally try and get the most overpowered loadout they can. It's pretty common on public servers that allow them to see everyone rocking M14 EBRs, a launcher and as much ammo and grenades as they can carry.


    The last group I played with ran pretty strict loadouts but would at times spawn boxes in at the start if people were missing kit they should have had. Some people would be a bit cheeky with what they would try and get away with, personally i'd try and get 6 x 200 round box mags for the Minimi if I could get away with it.


    It's fun either way, but it certainly makes fights a lot easier when you don't do things like restrict players by their role or say "I think 20+ spare mags is a bit much"

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