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Posts posted by Esoterick

  1. I really enjoyed The Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson. I really rate him as a fantasy writer as each of his series has their own unique magic system, he manages to produce a lot of books and keeps fans updated on his progress through his website. 


    He's completed multiple series in the time it's taken for old George to not release another GOT book lol.


    The first 4 books in the series have wrapped up, but there are 10 in total planned. The first book takes a while to build up pace, but once it does it gets really good.




  2. There's some curious guns for sale on the Airsoft UK discord if anyone wants a laugh. Apparently some random throwing a load of parts in a gun means it's worth double the cost of the gun new. Should it be 3x retail instead if they are well known techs? 🤨


    Does that mean my Recce rifle that had work done on it by Kingdom of Airsoft is worth over a grand lol. Here I was thinking £400 might be a bit steep....

  3. Warhammer 40k can be good but has some setup costs associated, Kill Team and Necromunda are the cheapest and easiest tabletop spinoffs to learn.


    You can go to your local shop and they have miniatures you can paint for free. My friend took his three kids there and they had a lot of fun painting a space marine each that you get to keep. Not 100% if all stores do this as, so worth checking.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

    The issue comes with the phenomenon of joule creep, which also affects gbb guns (and some modified spring bolt actions when heavyweight pistons are involved) whereby the gun can chrono entirely legitimately on say .2g, but then with no other modification output more energy simply by switching to a heavier ammo (the fps will be lower but not by as much as the same switch in an aeg), hence my above caveat of chronographing on players game weight.


    Any site that thinks they have their finger on the pulse with chrono but insists on only testing with 0.2g makes me roll my eyes because of this. The other silly thing with doing so is that guns with really strong hop setups can be buggered up by firing lightweight BBs so you either risk that or can't play at that site using it - I have a gun with an R hop that applies a reasonable amount of hop with the dial turned to the lowest setting.


    Joule creep was fairly well documented on the Airsoft sniper forum 5-10 years ago, so there's no excuse.

  5. I thought HPA was considered the most consistent FPS wise? The only almost certainly overpowered hit I ever took in the 100 or so games I've played was most likely a CO2 gun with a new bulb, made me consider stopping for the day it was so painful(relative to normal hits) - felt like being shot with a coin and left a bruise the size of one...


    I don't see their rules mention CO2 at all outside of launchers so are they just fine despite the new bulb issue?

  6. It's all very vague to be honest. It's like I could have a UKARA membership that expires on 17th July. So that means I'm legit today and not tomorrow? What about if I start painting a gun this evening but it spills over into the early hours of tomorrow morning?


    Unless I'm mistaken I have yet to see a clear definition of what does or doesn't constitute a defense  in terms of being an airsofter other than most retailers basically treating a UKARA number as a license when it clearly is not, the 3 games thing is a UKARA guideline after all. As above I've had shops that know all my details including UKARA number but won't sell to me if it's expired despite selling to me in the past. I'd hazard a guess there's no UKARA enforcement team that says I'm now not a valid skirmisher. Not to mention most sites will then renew subsequent membership regardless of how many games you have played after initially qualifying.


    I do understand what people are getting at though, even if the person they are referring to does have a sensible defense. I've witnessed quite a few "loopholes" over the years but don't talk about them publicly because it just encourages people to go about things the wrong way.

  7. Don't buy TM mags for it, they leak badly and require a mod to make them work with green gas!


    If they have any in stock (I took 5 off them the other week) the Surplus Store sell spare mags:





    Are those just ASG mags as some places chop and change the names? I was looking at getting ASG mags as most places seem to stock them, although i'm not hugely fussed if I can't run green gas.

  8. Because either people don't do their research properly or they have more money than sense. I don't see any reason why you need to replace everything in a sniper rifle just to use higher fps springs when you can save hundreds by buying a Mancraft kit. Anyone that buys the 'upgrade kits' from Novritsch are IDIOTS.


    It's partly preference to be fair, some people aren't keen on HPA and some sites blanket ban CO2. I agree Novritsch stuff is a waste of a money though, I like his videos but he quite heftily marks up the parts he sells.

  9. As others have said take it, but report to a marshal if they are being dangerous with how they throw it. I'm not keen on players that are overly anal about the rules, common sense would be to politely mention minor infractions to the player. Like when two players refused to take a 2-3 round burst each from me because the rules were near buildings semi auto only.


    Fortunately most people seem to be pretty sensible with them but accidents do happen. I played a game once where someone was getting ready to throw just as a player popped out of the tunnel he was aiming for made him jump and the grenade split the chaps nose open.


    Seen a few videos where the player recording throws a grenade and films it going off with themselves a couple of metres away. Then highlights how the other player didn't take the hit....

  10. People who dont take 50/50 hits, the ones who either claim they wasn't hit or give it "I hit you first".

    Because that half a second makes all the difference.

    If you are one of those people I dont like you because anyone who does that is a pathetic tosser.


    I'm getting pretty bored of people doing this. Plus people that wait till they hit you before calling hit, even if that's up to 5 seconds at a few metres.

  11. I just carry on shooting people if they don't call hit, partly because there's a fair chance I just haven't hit them. I'm not a good enough shot to be selective about where I hit even if I wanted to, I just try to aim at chest height and lower. No one is really going to be very happy about deliberately being rinsed up in the head or groin.


    These cheater videos don't really do anyone any favours. If there is an issue with someone it should be getting shown to whoever runs the site. I've also seen plenty of "cheater" videos where its massively unclear if the player has been hit as it just looks like the usual "I can see my BBs up until 1-2 metres in front of my target, let's assume they hit"

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