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    kwa m4 s system
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    ace combat

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  1. once i have the money i was looking to upgrade my sidearm and i'm torn between 3 1911's. kwa ptp series (kwa has double stacked magazine upgrades) , socom gear meu (in my opinion looks the best) and the socom gear double star (apparently shoots the best)

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    2. mbattrum
    3. mbattrum


      i have owned one WE and it lasted ok , alot better than their reputation and i guess it shot ok


    4. M_P


      The problem is that their older stuff is so inconsistant, some people's are brilliant but more often than not they arent- like ares with AEGs. The new stuff though I'd buy in a heartbeat, only real problem is their metal quality meaning that you will probably have to buy a new outer barrel.

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