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    Always the bad guys or rebals
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    Anywhere South UK
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    Surrey and Kent

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  1. 25 vs 50+ at the weekend, should be hard work. Please add us on facebook and come say hi if anyone is about.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Esoterick


      Wondering if they will try to rebalance the teams. Have you guys been given more details about the teams yet?

    3. clumpyedge


      only an e-mail with saying which team im on ;) as far as im aware from the facebook page people are happy to play as is

    4. jay83


      I like the challenge. I have picked all Sinister players from Sites around the UK, none were mates before hand except the other guy i run it with . The guys i have are the best ive seen @ Sandpitt kent , London through to Hampshire. More people have not made the cut and been rejected, so im more then confident. Even last time most of the Jafar left moaning bout hit taking and left us @ one point we were in a building with 50 NATO outside with only 5 guys inside, Was hard!! To be fair...

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