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Status Replies posted by Moose87

  1. Gun/scope cam video has become my 4th most popular upload in barely 20 hours, and it's only 10 seconds long lol. The full video will go live on Wednesday at half 5.

  2. i think its amusing that people are crying about abit of wind and i have seen the effect that 3 typhoons in the space of a month has done. Britian needs to get some perspective!

  3. Where's my RA-Tech M4 CQBR, AF-UK?! I are disappoint.

  4. very tempted to sign up for the Air Corps. who wouldnt want to fly gunner/pilot in helicopters for 50-60k a year?!?!

    1. Moose87


      i second aac are mongs. in the army chopper pilots must be a certain height and weight with a certain arm length. if you join as an officer you have to interview for corps and regiments AFTER you start training. the mostbhigly regarded positions are AAC and royal engineers. also recruitment offices lie worse than a cheap whore. ask any soldier. i have recently left army so can answer some Qs you have

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  5. I dont know if i could be any more angry. Vietnam has opened my eyes into more american war crimes. i suggest everyone come to Saigon and see it!

  6. I dont know if i could be any more angry. Vietnam has opened my eyes into more american war crimes. i suggest everyone come to Saigon and see it!

  7. I dont know if i could be any more angry. Vietnam has opened my eyes into more american war crimes. i suggest everyone come to Saigon and see it!

  8. I dont know if i could be any more angry. Vietnam has opened my eyes into more american war crimes. i suggest everyone come to Saigon and see it!

  9. I dont know if i could be any more angry. Vietnam has opened my eyes into more american war crimes. i suggest everyone come to Saigon and see it!

  10. Because its 30p beer thats why. im sat listening to a vietnamese bloke sing some classic tunes, sometimes n the dark as the power keepa going out. why??? because its vietnam they dont need a reason they are communist!!!

  11. bored of waiting for an A&K m249 getting in stock .... thinking about a sr25 as a sniper

  12. bored of waiting for an A&K m249 getting in stock .... thinking about a sr25 as a sniper

  13. ok so after seeing the Go Pro 3+ is for sale there is now the option for the 3 at £220 or the 3+ for £270. give or take a few quid.

  14. ok so after seeing the Go Pro 3+ is for sale there is now the option for the 3 at £220 or the 3+ for £270. give or take a few quid.

  15. ok so after seeing the Go Pro 3+ is for sale there is now the option for the 3 at £220 or the 3+ for £270. give or take a few quid.

  16. Ok so after abit of digging. Go Pro blacks are only about £220 in america and canada. so think i may be purchasing myself one there when i go over in 2 months.

  17. Ok so after abit of digging. Go Pro blacks are only about £220 in america and canada. so think i may be purchasing myself one there when i go over in 2 months.

  18. Ok so after abit of digging. Go Pro blacks are only about £220 in america and canada. so think i may be purchasing myself one there when i go over in 2 months.

  19. Ok so after abit of digging. Go Pro blacks are only about £220 in america and canada. so think i may be purchasing myself one there when i go over in 2 months.

  20. where is the best place to start airsoft cadets because i live in doncaster. thanks

  21. New video's up in the media section: CQB in a SCHOOL!

  22. Anyone know the prices that you can get Go Pros for in the UK??

  23. Anyone know the prices that you can get Go Pros for in the UK??

  24. Anyone know the prices that you can get Go Pros for in the UK??

  25. Anyone know the prices that you can get Go Pros for in the UK??

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