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    CYMA AK74 (0,48)
    CYMA AKM (0.48)
    G&G GR4 G26
    WE HiCapa 'Baby' 3.8
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    Glasgow, Scotland
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  1. Having problems with my xbox! I want to play Minecraft but when i go to download the 80mb update, it stalls and doesnt work. I've checked my memory space and my download speed seems fine. Does anyone know what might be up? The same is also happening with GTA V.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. cropzy


      @caliber, you will never ever get the accuracy of a mouse in a controller.


      Minecraft is a boring on console, no mods no nothing.


      That said I dont like minecraft to start with.

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      I own both a gaming PC and PS3. Must say I actually prefer console for the ease of use and everything. I imagine the 8th gen is even better for the speed and graphics rival a PC. Then again you still can't get games like ARMA and you can't have mods. I just need more mates to play the games with, and I need to sort out the problems I have with the computer. It's fine, easy fix, just haven't had the time to take it in. Anyway, I would say if you plan on buying a computer anyway...

    4. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      then get a gaming one and spend a bit more.

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