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Status Replies posted by Tariq

  1. Off to visit Patrol Base. With no money. Sad times =[ Though, it's nice to gawk at the shiny guns on the wall and fantasise about owning them... Then I'm going to the Royal Armouries museum in Leeds, to do it all over again! Not been since I was about 13 or something, so should be interesting. Gun nerd mode, ACTIVATE!

  2. I seriously want a Umarex '417 right now.

  3. I seriously want a Umarex '417 right now.

  4. I seriously want a Umarex '417 right now.

  5. I'm sure it must be more comfortable inside an active volcano than it is in my house/garden right now...

  6. I'm sure it must be more comfortable inside an active volcano than it is in my house/garden right now...

  7. I'm sure it must be more comfortable inside an active volcano than it is in my house/garden right now...

  8. what a waste of my time http://plug.dj/cosplay-radio/ no one has turn up!

  9. I'm really starting to wonder whether WE actually have any form of quality control in their factory. Or rulers and tape measures...

  10. At work 40 minutes early. What is this madness?

  11. So James May was filming in the village next to me. FFS missed it.

  12. Anyone recommend a good sniper hop rubber? My stock one lasted about 60 shots at 500fps... Has to be a VSR type.

  13. received new ASG SAS shotty (396fps!!!), after maybe 10 shells worth,cocking handle jammed in froward position!! ...... went from hull to Patrol base (75miles) to swap it, new one is fantastic, even ejects the shells when i open the flap :) 366fps too ;)

  14. "We'll be round to drop of the package at 1pm today" Really UPS? I've been sat here all day, and according to the status, you haven't even collected the infernal thing. Why people still insist on using UPS is beyond me...

  15. how bloody hard is it to get a job!

  16. "We'll be round to drop of the package at 1pm today" Really UPS? I've been sat here all day, and according to the status, you haven't even collected the infernal thing. Why people still insist on using UPS is beyond me...

  17. can anyone use the forum on thier android phone? i cant reply to posts, only can post in status bars.

  18. farms are fun and boring at the same time.

  19. Just hasn't been my day, first my g&p 552 gets shot up to sh*t (no way of repairing that...) then my £40 ultrafire flashlight.. (Can't find spare lenses) and then the battery pins in my scar stock broke costing me £15 and half a day of going shotgun only... For f*ck sake -_-

  20. Hmmm, I already have a rubber knife, but I want to spice things up for my next pistols, shotguns and knives day... Now do I get a cold steel rubber tomahawk or a foam minecraft pick axe for the lols? xD

  21. I wish all the advertising report stuff on YouTube actually made sense... I have no idea what any of the figures mean, what kind of money I'm making, what portion of it I actually get... Nothing like making life easy, eh?

  22. I wish all the advertising report stuff on YouTube actually made sense... I have no idea what any of the figures mean, what kind of money I'm making, what portion of it I actually get... Nothing like making life easy, eh?

  23. Hmmm, I already have a rubber knife, but I want to spice things up for my next pistols, shotguns and knives day... Now do I get a cold steel rubber tomahawk or a foam minecraft pick axe for the lols? xD

  24. Hmmm, I already have a rubber knife, but I want to spice things up for my next pistols, shotguns and knives day... Now do I get a cold steel rubber tomahawk or a foam minecraft pick axe for the lols? xD

  25. Hmmm, I already have a rubber knife, but I want to spice things up for my next pistols, shotguns and knives day... Now do I get a cold steel rubber tomahawk or a foam minecraft pick axe for the lols? xD

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