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Posts posted by Floperator

  1. Just doing some quality-of-life tinkering before next week's game. Found an old ammo tin my dad used for fishing stuff, bit of a clean and spray here and there and it's now my new mag carrier, with space for oodles of mags and bbs.

    Also made a couple of BB bags out of some soft goggle cases, cable ties and water bottles, they work great for carrying and dispensing BBs in the field.20220515_121258.thumb.jpg.41554964acd694739c8d50ccb7660d92.jpg20220515_121505.thumb.jpg.61365294413f13646ee972a91d5eeccb.jpg

  2. I have had a search around but info seems to be spread out all over the place - I'm considering swapping everything out for LiPo batteries for better performance and longer battery life, but I just have a ton of questions:


    *First of all; brands to buy and brands to avoid, for both batteries and charger?

    *I see that some come with Deans connectors and some with Mini Tamiya - are the Tamiya ones ok to use or do I have to rewire all of my AEGs? Or use Deans to Tamiya adaptors?

    *Is the risk of fire and/or catastrophic failure exaggerated under normal/sensible use? Do I really have to keep them in an asbestos bin at the bottom of the garden?

    *Most of the impetus behind this is that I'd like to be able to get a full day out of one set of batteries (at the moment I'm only getting a bit more than half a day out of stock NiMhs), is this realistic?

    *So far all internals for my AEGs are stock, so I was going to go with 7.4v, perhaps upgrading to 11.1v if I upgrade gun internals later on - is this sensible?

    *Any reason not to get the biggest/highest mAh I can fit into the gun?


    *Anything else I should know getting into this?

  3. All kinds of NO, for all the reasons above.

    Also when you peen something the whole side isn't going to expand, you're going to move the edges out first. Hopefully this shitty diagram will explain:




    First you're gong to flatten it in the direction the hammer is hitting, actually *introducing extra play* to this dimension. Then you're going to spread the material out. If you're hitting it near the edge of the piece (which you probably will be because its so small) it's going to create these ridges, rather than push the whole edge out. Those ridges will present a much smaller surface area to act as a bearing so will wear rapidly. If the part is ali or mazak the act of hammering will probably work-harden it and make it (more) brittle.

    So after your experiment, you will have introduced more play in another dimension, reduced the gas efficiency of your pistol, and made the part you have modified more brittle and prone to failure. And after a few hundred shots those ridges will have worn away and you'll be back where you started anyway.

  4. 1 hour ago, RostokMcSpoons said:


    If there's any sort of ambient noise I have to ask people to stand on my right if they don't want to repeat everything twice.  
    It does suck :(

    Still, my self-inflicted damage from a number of years of accidental abuse I can sort-of live with. 

    Poor old Andy Partridge of XTC got all his shit in one go:
    "What is your greatest regret?

    Being in the studio on the afternoon I got tinnitus. This complete fucking dolt of an engineer pressed the wrong button while I was checking a supposedly silent loop with the desk at full volume, and generated a click track that went off like gunshots in my head. It left me with extreme tinnitus that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I contemplated suicide, just to stop it. This was ten years ago now."


    What sucks the most is that its one of the few disabilities that people will actually get angry at you for.

  5. 2 hours ago, Groot said:



    I saw a post about a newbie saying how he really enjoyed this first CQB game and how his ears were still ringing. This post was on a Tuesday. 


    It's going nanny state a bit but i think sites running pyro in confined areas, should be more responsible with ear protection.

    We go full autism over eye pro and both are kind of useful.


    If you're an indoor site and allow pyro then you'd have to be mad not to mandate ear pro. It's a massive lawsuit waiting to happen IMO.


    I have hearing loss (no tinnitus thank god) due to a combination of congenital issues, shotguns and drum + bass, and it's no fucking joke.

    Like to chat with some friends while you have a little light music playing? Not anymore you don't. Enjoy asking everyone to repeat themselves for the rest of your life.

  6. 1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


    ...let you build an unlimited armoury of unrecorded smoothbores, up to 2" cannons...


    All shotguns you possess must be recorded on your certificate, and you can only have as many as you can store securely in FEO approved gunsafes (for which the guidance has recently changed, no more cheap cabinets, now you need a proper safe).

  7. Another awesome day at Reforger, switched it up and did some different game modes this time - Infected, Juggernaut and Sniper Ambush - and I got to see a few new areas of the site. Had a blast in the last game, running completely out of BBs in the last few seconds in a final mad dash to the truck though sniper fire. Got a complimentary mag fill from @GAMBLE (cheers dude). 

    Player conduct seemed pretty good on the whole, bar the odd grumble about hit taking (I get the impression this is par for the course). Someone got booted off site for something but I didn't see what.

    I switched to the G36 after lunch, and it behaved well enough, though the optic I have at the moment isn't suitable (another facog is on the way), and I found that gripping the magwell had a tendency to catch the mag release on the m4 converter. Something I'll have to train myself on. Tbh I think I prefer the ergonomics of my m4 so that will remain my primary primary for now.


    My entire body aches and it'll probably take me a week to recover. Bring on that next game.

  8. 1 hour ago, Speedbird_666 said:


    Funnily enough, I bought a JG G36C from Action Hobbies back in 2008ish as my second gun.


    Very good value for money - they are commonly associated with rental guns so lack the 'cool' factor these days. Don't see many G36s round my parts these days outside of the rental punters.


    I do have a soft spot for the G36, but it was the association with rental guns (and general good vibes here and elsewhere) that convinced me to buy it...

    If you're after a reliable workhorse AEG, then logically you can't go too far wrong looking at what guns the sites are using as rentals. 

    Other points in its favour were the low comb of the stock, which will work with a Warq when I get one, and the fact it can fold up and fit in my general gear bag.


    She's all scoped up and ready to play now, got a rough zero in the back garden. Shame the red tape is showing on the mag (it doesn't on the M4) but you can't have everything.


  9. Got my JG G36 today, in time for Sundays game. First impressions are pretty good! The M4 mag adaptor also works very well and is very easy to install and remove (though it did need a little fettling to get mags to sit nicely in it, as @Rogerborgwarned me, but this was done a few days ago with a few strokes of the file).


    I also got a 2nd hand viper gun carrier for £20. Pretty much as new, just a little faded.


    Both purchased from Action Hobbies, who have been a pleasure to deal with.

  10. 3 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


    It's the closest to one that sellers have got, although a Home Office circular phrased as little better than an opinion by some rando is very thin gruel.


    UKARA was in all honesty a very very smart move at the time, pre-empting the HO and negating the need for them to create their own system. But its more a way of minimising the need for the law to get involved than a law itself.

    And it seems to be working, I can't knock it for that.



    3 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

    Er, purchase and private possession isn't an offence.  If you can get your hands on it, job done.


    Kind of my point, though I phrased it badly.



    3 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

    Or modify an IF into a RIF. Yup, and I'd argue that since the permitted activity is future use that having game days booked satisfies that intent more than having played in the past.


    For sure, but say you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having to prove that intent at some point, it may be nice to be able to say Look I have a UKARA number or have a game day booked etc., but really you've either done something stupid or not, and if it's the former then having a number isn't going to help you. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, SoupyXo said:


    i don't mind spending a small fortune, but it has to be at least reasonably justifiable, say for example the kit i have so far, i can justify because i want to get to a site asap, and get my membership, which ill probably do on day 1 of going, for cheaper rates and access to the glory of non painted rif's... but £90 for a spinny boi that makes the pew go brrr at 20,000 rippums (or higher) with an 11.1v lipo, and does it a touch quieter than the brushed pile of shit that's in it now... cant justify that... not unless im doing a very nice build, which with no defence, i am not doing.... because vcra says im technically manufacturing imitation firearms by building one with no defence (fucking government) 

    UKARA is an ass-covering exercise for sellers with no real basis in law, it's not a defense for manufacture or possession. If it was then every airsofter would be breaking the law when their UKARA ran out.

    If you're actively skirmishing, then you have a legitimate reason to possess or manufacture RIFs for that purpose.

  12. I briefly played with using some 8g N20 chargers in a tiny custom crosman 2240 I converted to take 8g CO2 caplets. Lower power and fewer shots than the CO2 equivalent, I would just be guessing but would think more powerful than propane etc.


    In a reciprocating semi automatic gun I'd imagine that it's going to smash the balls out of guns designed to run on green gas, and be insipid in guns designed to run on CO2.

    Save it for making whipped cream or emergency home dentistry.

  13. 58 minutes ago, Fatboy40 said:



    What I found most interesting though, from a technical perspective, was the afternoon where I switched to my AEG using 0.28g BBs (normally 0.25g), and what made a big difference was I decided to put the 3x flip to side on the AEG. I could pick a good spot to hide in and the slightly heavier BBs along with the flip to side allowed me to pick off players at a range they just never expected, plus as a site that allowed burst's of auto on AEG's I could pin down an area. I ended up getting massively more kills than I did with my DMR, the 0.28g's helped, however it was the 3x zoom that made all the difference spotting approaching or hiding players.


    Long story short, it's the DMR combined with the magnification that's helping me out.

    Liking the sound of that because I've just bought two bottles of .28s to try out on Sunday.

    I think magnification is a big deal and I wouldn't be without my facog. Not just because I'm wearing mesh and don't have my prescription glasses so need all the help I can get, but it's just so useful for spotting, and you can walk shots on target even at longer ranges if the light is good and you understand your trajectory.

    Totally feasible to play the 'dmr' role without actually running a dmr, it's more a state of mind...

  14. 4 minutes ago, Sifu Steve said:

    I've been trying to encourage my wife to join me and my lad airsofting. She mockingly said she'd only come if she could have a pink gun...


    Challenge accepted. 😁


    The pink sling's still to arrive but the rest is good to go. I'm particularly happy with the spring loaded (red) red dot sight, which is an absolute pig to search for online.



    Its certainly distinctive!


    The Vism clone dot sights aren't easy to find at a reasonable price in the UK, AliExpress was teeming with them last time I looked though.

  15. I'd avoid getting into air tanks for the hassle factor and instead look at the compressors which are being made specifically to directly fill PCP airguns.

    There's a lot that goes into owning a dive cylinder; there are safety and storage issues (it's essentially a bomb), and you have to get the tank tested periodically without which no reputable shop will refill your tank. Testing and refilling places may not be nearby, or friendly.


    Airgun specific compressors on the other hand have matured a bit over the last year or two and there are some good options available, there's even a compact one that runs off makita batteries.

    My local gunshop has got rid of their tank in favour of a compressor, and many other ranges and shops are doing the same.


    That's also your other option, how often are you going to need to refill? If its like once a month you could just take it to a local gunshop and get them to fill it for a couple of quid, and not have the financial and physical burden of a cylinder or a compressor.

  16. On 27/04/2022 at 21:18, Rogerborg said:


    That what I use on my JG G36.  Like a fair bit of airsoft precision engineering, it needed a file waved at it to get it to fit, and to take mags, but once everything was neatened up, it works fine.  I've not had any feeding issues from any M4 mid or hi-caps, and it actually feeds better than the G36 mid caps that I was using.

    Took a mag into work yesterday and had to shave down some of the internal tabs so that the mag release catch would engage, nothing too onerous. Seems to feed well enough. Hopefully there won't be much to do to fit it to the actual gun once it arrives.

  17. 8 hours ago, Druid799 said:

    And this is the exact kind of smug virtuous “oh no one complained when America blah blah blah or when China blah blah blah or the big bad British Empire blah blah blah” comments is why I didn’t mention about not buying from Russia due to a moral standpoint originally . Im sorry but all your trying to do is score some “look at me I'm so right on and politically aware on my high horse” points , what your comparing to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine is puerile at best and bloody offensive at worst ALL Governments are guilty of some heinous crimes at sometime or another but Russia is committing genocide against a sovereign nation live on tv 24/7 ! Plus how do you suggest we sanction China and America then seeing as China is responsible for 28.7% and America 16.8% of the Global manufacturing output making them No’s 1&2 respectively(fyi the Russian federation is 15th with petrochemical but 47th without) ?

    Well you can't sanction them can you, because our manufacturing capability and energy production has been hollowed out and outsourced overseas because this generated the most profit in the short term for greedy motherfuckers who have no real conception of the economy beyond the next shareholders report. We actively destroy democracies and treat with tyrants and despots, to no ones benefit except a select few. Yemen is also happening *right now*, but the Sauds are our buddies so we're not doing shit to help them as they starve. No sympathetic headlines for them. No ones airing out the spare bedroom for Yemeni refugees. China has spent the last few years literally herding a specific ethnicity into concentration camps. No 24hr rolling news cycle for that either. All forgotten, because we are dependent on them. The truth is that its psychologically convenient for many of us to minimise the atrocities that our own administration tacitly accepts or even encourages, because there is practically nothing we can do about it.

    Smug? No, the hypocrisy of all this fucking sickens me.


    The Russians are just the enemy of the moment, that's all, and if our government didn't have a stake in using Ukraine as a proxy no one would be saying shit about it, just like they had nothing to say about Georgia and Chechnya. Just like they have nothing to say about the Uyghurs, or Yemen, or Palestine.


    I'd say I have more reason than most here to have a grudge against Russia - In a way I'm only here today because of the brutality of the Russian government.

    My grandfather came to Britain in 1956, fleeing Soviet retribution after the failed Hungarian Uprising, which he took a very active part in.

    The Russian security services tortured his parents - who I was lucky enough to know in my childhood - pins under the fingernails, that sort of thing. The whole family got the treatment, everyone who was still left. They were extremely eager to find and kill him.

    We used to go to Hungary on holiday every year when I was a kid. Before the Berlin Wall fell, but after things were at their worst, when people were burying bread and the meagre produce of their smallholdings to keep them safe from the privations of Russian soldiers. Things were extremely grim over there, a real eye opener as a kid from the west to see the kind of conditions people had to live in elsewhere.

    After the Wall fell we got to see the country heal year by year, slowly building up the kind of infrastructure that we take for granted. The dirt roads were gravelled one year, streetlights installed the next, tarmac the year after that. But the scars are still there today, if you care to look for them.

    So I don't really need a lecture on how bad Russian occupation is thanks, I've seen it first hand.

    Me and my family have better reason to hate Russians than most.

    But we don't.

    Even my grandad never boycotted Russian products - his favorite drink is Smirnoff ffs - and even he was and is able to differentiate between the actions of the Russian government and the Russian people themselves, who have lived under the heel of Putin for over two decades and are as much victims of their government as the people living in the countries that Russia invades and occupies.

    Who do you think your sanctions are really hurting? Tsar Putin, reputedly one of if not the richest man in the world? Or is it just another kick in the teeth for a people that have lived under poverty and dictatorship for longer than anyone alive can remember?


    As I said before, you can draw your own line in the sand wherever you want, and power to you. But to start moralising on other people's choices when we live in a fundamentally amoral system is frankly bollocks. Every time you start your car or turn on your hob or buy some plastic shite or charge your batteries you are in some way contributing to human misery somewhere.

    That's the reality we live in.

    Watching people suddenly get on their high horse about #IssueOfTheDay because that's what the media has told them to do bores me to tears. 

    Do I care about Ukraine? Of course I do. And I'll still care when the cameras are off. I'll still care about the refugees after the media has decided they are now villains, not heroes (it won't be long, just wait and see!). I very much doubt thats the case for the people banging the drum loudest, a good proportion of whom a few months ago wanted to send in the gunships to turn back the boatloads of refugees crossing the channel. 

    Maybe you'll still care once everyone else has put a different flag in their profile picture, maybe not. We'll see.

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