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Dan Robinson

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    Dan Robinson reacted to DestrO in To DMR or not to DMR   
    i would suggest getting a KC-02 and upgrading with Rogueworx parts, you'll have a DMR that will easily perform as well as a tuned BASR
  2. Thanks
    Dan Robinson reacted to Tactical Pith Helmet in To DMR or not to DMR   
    I'll echo the 1J bolty vibe.  I love shooting a no MED 'sniper.'
    As for general play, it does depend on the site.  At Gunman Tuddenham I'll use the 1J bolty, as it is a small site.  For a larger site, I'll use the M14 DMR as I have space to pull back.  I NEVER take position without knowing where I'll go to next though.  I have never used my sidearm in years of playing.  Usually it gets left in the kit bag.  Playing DMR well takes a more measured playing style.  
    TBH I usually play support gunner with about two milsims per year with a DMR (on large sites), so listen to Impulse and Concretesnail rather than me for experience.  I do what I do though, and an accurate 1J is a fun option.   A semi locked CYMA M14 works for me too.   It's worth a go I'd say.
    Remember that repeatable accuracy is king though.  All the power in the world is no good if it's in the wrong place. 
  3. Thanks
    Dan Robinson reacted to Impulse in To DMR or not to DMR   
    Depends on your local site, in my opinion. For me, DMRs are useless at Worthing, as 1.6J with a 30m MED just isn't worth it; even if you want to play marksman you're better off with a bolt action since 2.3J will get you significant range increases and the MED is the same at 30m (and it's incredibly thick with foliage 6 months of the year, making snipers useless too). Different sites tend to have different rules for DMRs and I've written basically a thesis on it in another thread on this forum somewhere since I used my m21 setup to experiment with different powers (HPA is useful like that), but TL:DR is this:
    1.48J - totally useless. Stay at 1.1J for no MED. I saw no noticeable difference in effective range.
    1.64J - mostly useless. Maybe consider if your local site is fairly open and your MED is only 20m. Even then I only really saw a difference of about 5m effective range over 1.1J.
    1.88J - enough to be useful. Probably wouldn't consider with a 30m MED as I have a bolt action with a 30m MED at 2.3J and an effortless bolt pull so I can shoot it fairly fast (still might though) but would go for it with a 20m MED easy. Saw enough of a boost in effective range to make it worthwhile.
    As a result of Worthing's DMR rules being craptastic, I've long since been honing the idea of a 1.1J "semi-auto sniper" build myself; the goal was to get the most range, consistency and silence while having no MED by keeping to 1.1J. I managed around 65m effective range (at least 9/10 shots hitting a man-sized target) and I find it to be more than enough for most engagements, though Worthing is not a very sniper rifle friendly site even in winter (but it's way better than the woodland CQB of summer). I am a big advocate of the 1.1J DMR/Sniper build and think they're underestimated in the airsoft community for just how savage they can be. Plus people moaning "that's a bit close for a sniper/DMR" is always amusing.
    Now that I've rambled enough, I'll actually get to my recommendation. Pick up your DMR rifle of choice, whether it's a Cyma m14 (they're nice...), SR-25 or something else. Then don't touch the gearbox, leave it at 1J and pick up a new hop rubber (I like 70 degree maple leaf macarons for AEG style rubbers), hop up nub and if you've got the cash a new inner barrel. Then simply play like a DMR as @Tackle suggested and see if you like the play style and get a feel for how much an MED might inconvenience you; remain mindful of your shots and the distances you're typically shooting at and experiment. Maybe play a game where you shoot only at targets over 20/30m, depending on the DMR MED at your site, then play the next game with no such limitation and see which you prefer. However, I will refute his point that they're 100% compatible and say they're about 95% compatible. There are tiny tolerances that are different, though you'll only encounter them if you work extensively on it. For example, TM magazines will fit in a Cyma m14, but they're really, REALLY picky about how you put them in and if you don't put them in right they'll fall out, while Cyma magazines in a TM will need to be forced in a little. Also, a Cyma stock won't fit on a TM gearbox and upper receiver. How do I know? Because I have both a Cyma and TM m14 and have discovered these while working on them
  4. Thanks
    Dan Robinson reacted to concretesnail in To DMR or not to DMR   
    Dmr to whether you'll get the most from the dmr role will depend on what the sites you play are like in terms of dmr rule sets (most of my locals dmr has to be dmr calibre, not long m4 etc) and the terrain. The way that some sites grow up in the summer; the loss of longer sight lines and the MED meant it is so much harder to be effective.
    In regards to the heavier bbs, it's a must; limited shots and controlled MED means rounds need to have a better chance of getting to and of being felt by the target, so a bb that will hold on to its energy better and be less effected by wind etc makes sense. Cost wise I dont find it too bad. Yes they dearer, but I'm using low and mid caps only, even running all my midcaps I'd still be carrying less rounds than a single high cap mag so 3000 geoffs last a couple of days at least.
    Before sinking a pile of funds into a dmr use an aeg as a dmr for a few  days. By that i mean play in that dmr manner; only use single shot, give yourself a MED, force yourself to either not take the shot or transition to a sidearm.
    If you are comfortable after that then the extra range you can get with the dmr will just be a bonus.
    If you find it too frustrating then as your still effectivly an aeg, you flick the fun switch and charge back in.
    Personally I play dmr-esque anyway, having only recently returned to aegs from exclusive gbbr use. Low cap mags and semi only was easy but I've recently dropped a softer sping into the 308 to get back under the aeg limits and given myself a 3rnd burst. The reason being that with the sites I'm playing currently the range i have is more than enough with the rif well built and good ammo. I can help team mates more by being effective in the ranges the site has and I can still play my low cap, flanking style I like.
    Long post I know but hopefully it's relevant.
  5. Thanks
    Dan Robinson reacted to Tactical Pith Helmet in To DMR or not to DMR   
    Defo what Tackle said!
    The trigger contacts are not perfect on them, so a 'fet makes perfect sense.
  6. Thanks
    Dan Robinson reacted to Tackle in To DMR or not to DMR   
    Cyma m14 socom, stock they're pretty much as good as TM's version, for half the price, maybe even less, but are 100% compatible, even for upgrade parts. 
    Then take it out, set it to semi & use it for a few games to get in to the dmr mindset, I'll be very surprised if you don't love it, & then consider a couple of upgrades to get it close to 450fps, it won't take much to get it there, & at the same time set it to semi, I'd consider a programmable mosfet & remove the selector knob, just til you see how it is for lockups (my old one never did😁), if alls good then permanently mod the selector plate. 
  7. CoolAF
    Dan Robinson reacted to MandalShArK in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    First outing of my Full AMCU (Australian Multicam Camouflage Uniform) kit.
    Based on Task Force Taji Rotation 2 in 2016. 

    AMCU Shirt and Trousers,
    Redback Terra Boots,
    FMA Wendy Helmet with AMCU cover, Manta Strobe and FMA NVG box,
    Warrior DCS in multicam (in place of the rare TBAS carrier) with TBAS pouches.
    TBAS belt with various SORD/TBAS pouches and Bladetech Holster
    Mechanix Gloves

    JG based AUG with various parts added to make it look more like an F88SA2
    Browning mk3

  8. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Tactical Pith Helmet in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Had a good day at AWA with their new trenches.  Took a couple of directs hits to the cheek but that's part of the fun. 
    Think I've cemented my desire to get a DMR... Don't have the patience for sniping, but also not keen on hosing the undergrowth (ohh err). 
    Certainly enjoyed lying in my 2  foxholes picking people off as they tried to capture the ammo dump.  
  9. Thanks
    Dan Robinson reacted to Rogerborg in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    At the sites I've played, it's been "1 in the air" or "Every 2 seconds" - which at DMR ranges is much the same if you actually wait to see the impact or miss.
    In practice, I've never seen it policed at all, and I've seen other DMR players taking the absolute piss with it - and it's very easy to do when you see a target appear.
    Example, we had a bloke on here reckoning that he might set his mosfet to limit him to a shot every 0.5 seconds, i.e. four times as fast as the above rules/guidelines.
    DMRs are super, duper exploitable.  I enjoy(ed) mine, but if I were running a site, I'd ban them off entirely, as one of my local sites already has.
  10. Thanks
    Dan Robinson reacted to concretesnail in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    I've played somewhere where they wanted no more than one round per second for a dmr. I know the perun mosfets have dmr mode where you trigger won't function beyond the set rate.
  11. Like
    Dan Robinson reacted to Rogerborg in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    They do make a fair bit of sense if you're already slow-and-steady on the trigger.  I've actually de-DMRd mine because it was, if anything, too good, and it's quite hard to not trigger spam just a bit when you're presented with a tasty target.
    That's the joy of airsoft toys, nothing is permanent.
  12. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Rogerborg in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Had a good day at AWA with their new trenches.  Took a couple of directs hits to the cheek but that's part of the fun. 
    Think I've cemented my desire to get a DMR... Don't have the patience for sniping, but also not keen on hosing the undergrowth (ohh err). 
    Certainly enjoyed lying in my 2  foxholes picking people off as they tried to capture the ammo dump.  
  13. CoolAF
    Dan Robinson reacted to Lozart in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    Charcoal or GTFO! 😁
  14. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Tactical Pith Helmet in Never in my life have I ...   
    Consider us poor tradesmen that work in London....   32 boroughs all with different parking rules and permit options.  
    Classic one the other day was turning up for a job and ask the resident for a visitor permit.  The reply was "we don't' have a car".
    FFS.  It's for me!!!!!!
    A recent new fuckery is for them to place restrictions on entire roads so that you need a permit to actually drive down it.  Obviously a local councillor or politician lives down there and they don't want the road used as a rat run.
    One upside is the invention of parking apps.  That has made things easier for handling multiple vehicles moving around the city...
    Oh yeah - having to annually renew the auto pay for the congestion charge.  Nothing has changed, yet they want £10 a vehicle.  Including the electric ones that are exempt from the charge in the first place.
    Registering that was a fun time.  You enter the registration plate and they know its 100%, but still have to send them a copy of the V5.  Shame I didn't know about any of this when I took a courtesy car in for a couple of days and the garage got a load of fines through.
    I feel your Gggrrrrr LOL
  15. Thanks
    Dan Robinson reacted to Rogerborg in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    There's a bright orange post-it note stuck on the inside of my front door saying: "EYE-PRO, BATTERIES, WATER".  Saved the day several times.
  16. Thanks
    Dan Robinson reacted to Enid_Puceflange in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    When I bought a surplus one last year, it was a little bit “stale “ smelling in the bladder. I let it soak with a tablespoon of bleach filled with lukewarm water
    a good dozen rinses out after an overnight soak, likewise with the hose and bite valve and it’s good as new 😉
  17. Haha
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Rogerborg in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    I put a load of 1 litre bottles in the freezer to take with me last time, but the panic and rush of getting the lad sorted for his D of E expedition meant I forgot to take them. 
    Ironically I was at Sentinel in Dunstable and his expedition site was less than 2 miles away, so there was no need to panic, nor get his mate's mum to take him.   
    Nowt like proper planning eh? 🤣🤣🤣
  18. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from AirSniper in Never in my life have I ...   
    Consider us poor tradesmen that work in London....   32 boroughs all with different parking rules and permit options.  
    Classic one the other day was turning up for a job and ask the resident for a visitor permit.  The reply was "we don't' have a car".
    FFS.  It's for me!!!!!!
    A recent new fuckery is for them to place restrictions on entire roads so that you need a permit to actually drive down it.  Obviously a local councillor or politician lives down there and they don't want the road used as a rat run.
    One upside is the invention of parking apps.  That has made things easier for handling multiple vehicles moving around the city...
    Oh yeah - having to annually renew the auto pay for the congestion charge.  Nothing has changed, yet they want £10 a vehicle.  Including the electric ones that are exempt from the charge in the first place.
    Registering that was a fun time.  You enter the registration plate and they know its 100%, but still have to send them a copy of the V5.  Shame I didn't know about any of this when I took a courtesy car in for a couple of days and the garage got a load of fines through.
    I feel your Gggrrrrr LOL
  19. Haha
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Diemaco in Mag Followers   
    Oh piss off LOL.... 
    Well.... Yes... To be fair there have been a few ideas in my head that would benefit from one. The main problem is the strength and temperature resilience of the end product. 
  20. Like
    Dan Robinson reacted to strykerles in Mag Followers   
    these anygood?
  21. Like
    Dan Robinson reacted to Lozart in Mag Followers   
    I'm rather lucky in that I have a brother in law with a resin printer!
    But yes. Airsoft is a big old hole to chuck money into if you let it be.
  22. Haha
    Dan Robinson reacted to Diemaco in Mag Followers   
    Look on the bright side, it's a good excuse to buy one, as I'm sure you've fancied buying one for ages.
  23. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from EvilMonkee in Reccomended sites in Peterborough area?   
    Fuck that. 
  24. Haha
    Dan Robinson reacted to Stratton Oakmont in What have you made?   
    I am a child

  25. Confused
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Druid799 in Change My Mind .   
    I can eat this stuff with a spoon. 
    Lived with one lass who had a recipe that used it with noodles, and but that is just wrong. 
    We get the catering tubs sometimes in Costco. 
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