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Status Updates posted by SheriffHD

  1. Not sure if it's me getting older or what not - but people seem to moan so much about hit taking now days. What happened to the mindset, assume I missed and keep shooting instead of people thinking they are John wick and never miss.

    1. Rogerborg


      It's a problem with some people at some sites. The marshals and site owner should be all over it.  If they say "Cheat calling is as bad as cheating" or similar at the brief, do please remind them of that if they ignore it during play.

    2. Skara


      That's "Play to Win" for you.

    3. Krisz


      Some people take it way too seriously one way or another. This is what it is you can't do anything about it.

  2. Being the only adult in a weekday game and storming a building for of kids who all surrender the second they see a mammoth man charge into the room. Cant help but feel bad.

    1. Rogerborg


      Just checking, you didn't want into a laser tag arena by mistake, did you?

    2. SheriffHD


      Funny you say, because they do both airsoft and laser tag at the site......that might explain so much,

    3. EDcase


      Sounds like a perfect opportunity to have played a game of Juggernaut 😁

  3. Well, I just earned a one year trophy on the forums after 10 years. aint i lucky.....forums turning into xbox live 

  4. Off to DogTag this morning. Rain apparently is due so should be nice and mucky by days end.


    1. Shamal


      Enjoy your game fella. I think rain has stopped 👍🙂


    2. SheriffHD


      morning was fine afternoon hit and got soaked. Surprised how many people left soon as the rain started. 

  5. Wanting a new gun for longer range so do I get a kc-02 or a striker kneecapper or just accept that I'm meant to be saving and not buying more Airsoft gear.....

    1. strykerles


      or use what you already have and get closer??

    2. SheriffHD


      Depends on the mode. If im attacking i'll run in using my M4 and tags for full assault but defence I like to sit back and try and pick off.

    3. ziCk_


      If you go Kneecaper, you need to go full meme CQB though to estabilish dominance:


      Meme gun 1.jpg
      Meme gun 4.jpg
      Meme gun 3.jpg

  6. new gears and motor arrived. time to make my neighbours think I have tourettes.

  7. Remember why i dont like taking gearboxes apart. Spring yeeted the guide across the room and now i cant find it.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Misery


      only thing id be worried about is i run an amd system so parts get hot haha and my 2070super kicks out a gd bit of heat aswell lol


      its a mineral oil if i remember right


    3. Shamal


      Bloody clever them Chinese.

      Wait a min...down our local chippy he cooks fish in oil. Mmm🤔

    4. SheriffHD


      Mine and my Mrs gaming PC sit nice and out the way from flying debris. Nice to see other PC gamers on the forum.



  8. Had an Awesome day at Dog tag airsoft yesterday. First game of the year and god I am feeling the pain now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SheriffHD


      Have to say, considering it was my only game if the year I'm super glad I chose DogTag. It's an 80min drive for me but it's worth it.

    3. Shamal


      Glad you enjoyed it 👍🙂


  9. Man of steel = EPIC film. Also, I no whave a new toy to play with, just need to get it working again, but for £20 Cant go wrong.

  10. Man of steel = EPIC film.

  11. About to see man of steel then off to pick up a pistol. Today is a good day

  12. About to see man of steel then off to pick up a pistol. Today is a good day

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