I completely agree, sadly we seen this egomaniacal cult throughout society these days be it through the normal media or social media. It seems to me to always be a case of if your not with me you are my enemy, and politicians aren't doing enough to stop this hateful vitriol. The difficulty these days is seeing things objectively when everything is portrayed as right or wrong by the most influential in society. Thinking back to the bad old days of the cold war even then people where broadly more aligned with there views or maybe i see it through rose tinted glasses. All i can say with honesty with the way the world is going i fear for my children's futures.
I must confess im not a fan a of Corbyn however being seen to friendly/sympathetic with IRA/PLO etc really doesn't help even if some of it was embellish by the media. The photos were quite damming if i remember correctly however please correct me if i am wrong. I would equate it similar to Trump not condemning some far right extremist. However its a catch 22 which ever you do you will get destroyed by the media, there are no moderate voices anymore in my opinion.