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Everything posted by leadly

  1. I have a question with regards to grease and lubricants etc. What should I be putting on each new part when I install them? What should go where and what shouldn't?
  2. Spring wise, I'll see what it makes and go from there. I'm only shooting in the garden at the moment so regardless of attainable range, I've still only got about 60ft to play with! I keep on hearing good things about the Maple Leaf crazy jet barrels, so might give one of those a whirl.
  3. Yeah, your right! I couldn't wait! I've opted for the following: Action Army VSR10 Trigger set including piston Action Army VSR10 spring guide M130 Spring - Originally M150. After lots of reading it seems some people get the M150 and find the fps too high and either change it out or cut it down. For the sake of another tenner later down the line I thought I'd give the M130 a chance. Mapleleaf Autobot Bucking 60 - Originally 75 Action Army Hop Up Unit - Couldn't find a suitable arm and it seems like the best choice overall. i will install a TDC when I find one that's a bit more aesthetically pleasing than the ones I've seen so far. Haven't had much of a look though. Action Army Teflon cylinder and head You'll notice no inner barrel yet. Mainly because Defcon didn't stock the 430mm I originally wanted and because I'm unsure which length to go with. I'm happy to try my stock length first and then if I'm not happy with it, change it out. But going with what @Steveocee , ill more than likely go the 430mm route.
  4. The wife nipped out with the eldest today so I was left with a sleeping baby, a bag of cotton wool balls and a hollow vsr stock! I was using a dB app to record the sound of the rifle before and after. It seemed widely inconsistent but the highest I could get the meter to go to before "stuffing" was 79 dB and after it was a mere 70 dB. So an improvement! I think I'm about there with my choices for the build now. I very nearly bought it all last night but then turned the PC off and went to bed! No real rush I suppose!
  5. My chrono from firesupport arrived today! So I got that set up while the kids had a nap. 1) 298.8 2) 298.7 3) 300 4) 297.3 5) 297.2 6) 299.4 7) 299.2 8. 297.6 9) 299 10) 296.6 So an average of 298.5 Pretty happy with both the gun and the chrono. Atleast I know I've got something decent to build on, which is the reason I went with TM in the first place. That's the chrono I bought, got decent reviews and at £55 it seemed worth a punt!
  6. Thanks for the reply and now that you've mentioned it, I'm sure I read the same thing about the AA barrels somewhere. I'll have a look what I can find, just checked skirm shop and they don't have any maple leaf barrels in stock at the moment. Fire support do have some laylax ones in though. With regards to the hop up, I've never actually tried Airsoft yet (I've played paintball often enough to assume I'll enjoy it) so wasn't sure how often I'd have to adjust the hop settings. So for me keeping it external made sense, allowing me to adjust on the fly rather than pissing about with Allen keys or installing a TDC. Plenty more reading and YouTube reviews to look at now though. Cheers
  7. Ah realised this should have probably gone in the single action area. Apologies!
  8. Hello everyone. I've not long purchased my TM VSR G-Spec and after getting my scope set up I've been really enjoying putting holes in paper targets in the garden! After having a chat with @Steveocee about sniping and having a gander at the spec of his VSR I've decided it's best I sink some pounds and pence into my rifle in order for me to actually enjoy sniping and not be sat in the iron sights of every rental AEG on the field! I seem to be spending a lot of time researching parts and filling up shopping baskets for various online retailers at the moment. So thought I'd share what I intend to buy and get a few opinions before I say "f@*k it" and spend up!! So, here we go: Action Army VSR10 Trigger set including piston Action Army VSR10 spring guide M150 Spring Stalker Pantera hop up arm and nub (currently out of stock) Action army 6.03 (430mm) inner barrel Mapleleaf Autobot Bucking 75 (pink) (also out of stock) Action Army Teflon cylinder and head Additionals: Teflon tape to cylinder head and bucking Barrel spacers All of that is sat in my basket with Skirnshop. The hop arm set and bucking are both out of stock. Skirnshop seem to be the only place that sells the Panthera arm so it'll just have to wait a bit. As for the bucking, I'm sure I saw one on Amazon last night. Opting for the Panthera over a whole hop up unit as I'd like to keep the external adjustment. Hopefully I've not forgotten anything and I've got all the right bits. I've also just ordered a chtonograph as I'd like to replace parts in stages like I've seen in "The Ultimate VSR guide" on the Airsoft sniper forum so I get an idea for myself of what part effects what. Thanks for reading. Rich
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