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Everything posted by alxndrhll

  1. I believe the FRV Shooters belt are somewhat of a favourite over here when it comes to this style of belt. I personally didn’t get on with it, but they are really well made at a competitive price versus the vast selection of similar belts.
  2. For sure, I guess I started the thread because I was curious as to how folks found what works for them. Whether that was making concessions on the stuff they carried with them, or sacrificing some comfort to ensure they can have it all on their person... or neither because they found that perfect piece of kit for what they needed. I’ve found myself struggling with my balance of pistol mags for instance. Every time I take 4 I’ve only needed 2, and every time I’ve dropped to 2 I’ve found I could have done with 4... Sod’s law I guess! I’m currently waiting on belt number 3 *rolls eyes* to show up and have my fingers crossed that this one will fix the ‘riding up’ issue. When I initially started this setup the plan was to just be a belt, but I just can’t get it to work for some reason or another... why I keep throwing money at it rather than settling for what I now have which works fine I’ll never know!
  3. Successful evening of crafting on my chest rig, plenty of work to go but feel like it’s a decent dent!



  4. For someone that holds so much distain toward them I suspect you pay much more attention to the ‘influencer’ scene than myself. I largely ignore it because watching someone else play airsoft isn’t particularly my idea of entertainment, and as discussed elsewhere reviews tend to be presented (at best) in a very subjective manner. When I’m putting money down for new things it tends to be because I need it to do something very specific that reviews would rarely cover if an item is/isn’t suitable for. I tend to believe that most setups can be good, it just depends on the application. I’m not a fan of the belt plus harness setup for sniping because I have to move more than I’d like when prone to access things. If you tend to crouch and stand rather than going prone then this disadvantage no longer exists. Though I do agree that trying to build your kit based on what someone else is using can be a mistake, but for those that have zero idea what they want it’s probably a better starting point than having no idea at all. FWIW having owned the D3CRM and the Mk4 Micro Flight I’ve found the Viper VX stuff to be perfectly adequate for airsoft, the inserts aren’t great but when it’s £5 versus £20 for a set they’re entirely functional... and it means I’m not spray painting and gluing all over £200 worth of kit.
  5. 3 weeks ago I had 0 chest rigs and 1 belt, so I certainly hope it doesn’t keep growing at this rate!
  6. When using my AR loadout I’m guilty of succumbing to all the gucci trimmings, when moving to ghillie land I actively went out to find the cheaper repro bits because it was all getting covered in shoe goo etc anyway. It’s interesting how many things I felt I needed to consider when using a bolt action. Specifically on the chest rig shoulder strap placement was something I’d never really thought too much about before, keeping my sides/arm pits clear to stop ghillie snagging, low profile for more comfort when prone and the ability to simply get lower to the ground. I guess I just found it pretty crazy how much more I had to think about, and tweak my ‘load bearing’ so it was working with what I wanted to do. And certainly made me realise that there is a vast difference between something being comfy to wear, and something being comfy to use.
  7. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to start from nothing when it comes to a loadout. Switching over to a bolt action rifle initially meant I didn’t feel I need to change a huge amount from my standard AR setup, likely just meaning I could loose the plate carrier entirely because everything would comfortably fit on a belt. Once ‘ghillie-ing up’ became the route I wanted to take this changed... a lot. I’m now 3 different chest rigs, 3 different belts and a whole host of pouches deep trying to hit a sweet spot that I’m not entirely sure exists (in my experience and opinion you don’t know a setup is properly working until you field it). Each purchase has been to trying and correct something which felt inconvenient while playing, thought often it creates another which requires buying something else. I feel like I’m ‘about there’ now, but ultimately I’ll only get that answer once I’ve got out to a skirmish. The whole process has left me wondering how other folks go about perfecting their loadouts... or more to the point, whether they do? Is this simply a case that I’m trying to create a setup with some very specific things I want to achieve that just haven’t been a consideration ahead of ‘sniping’? Cheers, Alex
  8. Phenomenal service from Jason at Longbow, wasn’t expecting this order till Monday/Tuesday next week. Went ahead and gspec’d my SRS, ohh boy does it feel a lot more nimble!



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. proffrink


      To add to what @alxndrhllsaid in case it wasn't clear: TM's VSR Gspec is a shortened version of their classic VSR and is pretty much the benchmark BASR.

    3. Rogerborg


      Oh, right, neat.  I do with I'd been able to get a shortie MB-02 rather than the longer MB-03.  If I do get back into sniping (woodland is booked) I'll probably just throw in a shorter inner barrel and take a hacksaw to the outer.  Can't be doing with lugging around weight that's not contributing to performance.

    4. alxndrhll


      FWIW I believe 303mm barrels (prommy are ideal unless you're planning on going all in... like this idiot) reap the most reward when it comes to VSR cylinders, I won't even pretend to understand why I'll just throw the phrase 'volume matching' out there in an attempt to sound smarter than I am. I honestly can't remember where I read it, but it was definitely on here and from a source I deemed more reliable than the internet at large.

      Edit: It was in this thread, I was quickly skimming to try and find it. Barrel talk starts toward the end of page 1 and follows onto page 2.


  9. Treated myself to some new bits, including one of those fancy carbon fibre SRS suppressors and I literally can’t wrap my head around how something that size weighs 75g.

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      carbon is a weird material.


      the fact that a 4mm*25mm cross section can hold ten tons and yet you go between the layers you can pull it apart by hand.

    2. alxndrhll


      I'm not generally good at understanding the weight of things basd on the numerical values, I tend to gauge everything on comparisons. My regular DTSS suppressor feels pretty light to me and weighs 240g, trying to visualise something of comparable size yet a third of the weigh is absolutely making my head spin. Seems like fascinating stuff!

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      imagine it as about the same dimensions as a rail cover but will hold more than 6 cars weight without breaking.


      problem is it's such a directional material, and can be made really weak by something as simple as drilling a hole in it.

  10. Don't cha just hate it when 7" is deemed 'slightly too short'... I blame the internet. Looks like a tidy job on the other though 👌
  11. Much appreciated, for something that seems fairly popular there isn’t a huge amount of information about in terms of how ‘universal’ the pouches are. I’m probably just too precious about it but I’ve struggled to find universal things that give a level of retention I’m comfortable with when it comes to MK23 mags, but being able to ditch velcro and zips sounds like a winner. Sidenote, that UKARA Police patch is so obnoxious in the best way.
  12. I’ve been eyeing up one of ‘Utility Rigs’ for a while as a cheaper option to throw a bunch of fake leaves and other random assorted shite onto with Shoe Goo (loved the D3CRM and Flatpack combo, didn’t have the heart to deface it). Don’t suppose you know how well the SMG inserts would work for pistol mag retention? The only thing that’s been putting me off is how shallow the pistol mag inserts seem to be, it’s weird that they’ve stitched the bottom... though I guess picking that stitching is another option to have them sit a bit deeper.
  13. Largely the same when it comes to previews/reviews/first impressions. Though not solely due the legitimacy of the opinions give... which leads me nicely to one of the more frustrating fallacies. That good, consistent QC exists within RIF manufacturing. Just because the fella on the internet got a good one, doesn’t mean you will.
  14. According to the LWA listing it doesn't come with any of the accessories, I agree if it had done it'd be a decently priced little package. And of course the R&D and set up costs of coming to the market with something new tend to assume a higher price. But as with anything to do with cost it'll always be subjective. I hope anyone that picks one up absolutely loves it, especially those that have been waiting on a USW replica. Seeing new replicas is a great thing and I hope it does well.
  15. I probably should have qualified that last remark, it was in reference to the price. I absolutely appreciate what @PopRocket123said in regard to the price versus RIFs in the same wheelhouse... for me personally this is just lacking in the feature department to justify the price.
  16. I'll certainly be intrigued to see what folks with zero affiliation make of it, I guess I'm just a bit confused as to what exactly it's bringing to the table other than 'being a bit different' and a folding stock. I also hate that I will never be able to unsee the Shutterstock watermark on the Anvil intro graphic... you're welcome.
  17. Spent some time this evening putting the finishing touches to my eye pro, pretty happy with it! Suspect I may end up needing to paint the ‘lenses’ at some point.




    1. Shamal


      Deffo the green man of the forest!

      Very nice 👍

      Just a thought. You dont suffer from hay fever I hope. 😉



  18. It’s been a pretty successful (I think) and productive 24 hours! Cobra hood is about half way there, and all the shiny bits for the SRS are installed and working.


    (Not having the face pro done yet makes it harder to tell where needs work on the hood)





    1. Shamal


      Looking good mate👍

      I think the lights on top are a bit of a location giveaway though.🙂

    2. alxndrhll


      Fair point, I got a bit carried away and just started lobbing everything on it. There’s half a pack of bonbons, some crayons and a 22” monitor hidden on the back somewhere.

  19. Accompanied by the cost you told your partner.
  20. To be fair I’d probably keep my mouth shut if I was running a successful store front without eating any of the negatives of doing so. Ohh, you mean the customer support thread? 👀
  21. Just got the dispatch notification for my SRS parts, so bloody excited. It’s also the first time I’ve ever put aftermarket parts in a RIF before I’ve skirmished it stock. By far one of my most frivolous airsoft purchases to date...



    1. Rogerborg


      Awaits sales ad for  "Fully upgraded SRS, shoots like a laser, never skirmished, just doesn't suit me" :P

    2. alxndrhll


      I don't make a habit of lying, and I'm doing the 'tech' work... so we can go ahead and omit 'shoots like a laser' 👀.


      Sidenote, what a superb narrative that would be.

  22. Here’s me thinking the title of this thread was ‘Funniest Airsoft Fallacies’.
  23. I did some reading up following our conversation to try and get a better understanding of it, your explanation is still the only thing that makes it even remotely make sense to dumb-dumb over here.
  24. “The lighter your BBs the further they go but you sacrifice accuracy. The heavier your BBs the more accurate they are but you sacrifice range.” I’m sure this will sound entirely insane in this day and age. Very much because I started playing forever ago, back when it was rare to see anyone using ammo other than .2s. If someone was popping .25s in their mag they meant business, heaven forbid the fabled Maruzen .29s. But yeah, this was absolutely something I understood to be true. As heavier weights became more readily available and the general consensus became try different weights until you find the sweet spot. I followed suit and seemingly now use different weights in pretty much every RIF I own (.32s in my MWS, .36-.4s in my mk23, .43s in my VSR and .48s in my SRS). But yeah, certainly the biggest ‘well that was a dumb thing I used to believe’ I can think of.
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