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alxndrhll last won the day on April 6 2023

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  1. Ever wanted to know what will seemingly bring a decent portion of airsofters to their knees? Adverts. Fuck me, for a bunch of fuckers whinging about snowflakes and the like you don't half make a fuss 😂.

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    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      feel bad for poor proffrink, lot o' flak over this.

    3. proffrink


      I wouldn't. I'm sort of getting paid for this when it's all of you who actually make the content that get people in here in the first place. That said, a lot of lessons learnt for if there's ever a next time.


      I understand it's been a bit of a slow news year :)

    4. alxndrhll


      Aye, don’t get me wrong I get thinking it looks a bit gaudy but I don’t think I’ve ever seen some banner ads taken so personally. Obviously we’ll never know, but I suspect the fact it’s Novvy has definitely exaggerated the response.

      Was a forum feedback thread needed? Probably. Does it need to have multiple threads and posts in completely unrelated threads fishing for those delicious reactions for that sweet, sweet internet validation? No. No it does not. Bringing it up all over the shop only serves to make it more disruptive, hence this being a status update rather than a thread/post... though I am aware there is still some hypocrisy present here.



      Of all the adverts I’ve seen on here the one I am/was (it’s been a while since I’ve seen it personally) the most against was the competitions ones... but that’s largely down to my personal beliefs on gambling. Which feels worse in combination with how, jokes aside, stereotypically shit with money management airsofters tend to be.


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