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Mad Rag

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  1. Like
    Mad Rag reacted to Jedi_Master for a status update, Thanks for all the reports of spammers.   
    Thanks for all the reports of spammers.  
  2. Like
    Mad Rag reacted to Rogerborg for a status update, Urgh, sites run solely from a Facebook page that don't tell you exactly where they ar   
    Urgh, sites run solely from a Facebook page that don't tell you exactly where they are, how to get there, the availability of parking, game days, hours, prices, site rules, or pretty much anything that you'd want to know before deciding to make the journey there.
    I know, "Just message us, mate", but why not document it once rather than dozens of times?
  3. Like
    Mad Rag reacted to AK47frizzle for a status update, So I ordered a product to an address that I got kicked out of (flatemate left, can't   
    So I ordered a product to an address that I got kicked out of (flatemate left, can't pay all). What can I do about it?
  4. Haha
    Mad Rag reacted to L3wisD for a status update, Nice advert mate... Mind removing the crap off the gun so we can see it? Ashamed of t   
    Nice advert mate... Mind removing the crap off the gun so we can see it?

    Ashamed of that blue paint are we?
  5. Like
    Mad Rag reacted to AK47frizzle for a status update, HK postal services suspended until further notice... really now?   
    HK postal services suspended until further notice... really now? 
  6. CoolAF
    Mad Rag reacted to Teo for a status update, So after 5 years away from airsoft, it's time for a comeback.   
    So after 5 years away from airsoft, it's time for a comeback.
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