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Adolf Hamster

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Status Replies posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. @ImTriggerHappy wow lost so many kills because of the saftey.


    I really do see what you mean.

  2. don't you just love ordering springs that aren't what they say they are, indeed not even close....

  3. What's a good drop-in hop chamber + barrel combo for an m4? Need to change mine.

  4. What's a good drop-in hop chamber + barrel combo for an m4? Need to change mine.

  5. What's a good drop-in hop chamber + barrel combo for an m4? Need to change mine.

  6. Hi Guys. I'm not going to be about much. Father-in-law has passed away so I'm needed elsewhere.


    See you all in a bit.

  7. It's Friday! Chins up people, pew pew time is close 😎

  8. So I got the MP5 back from the tech today.


    Shoots lovely and fast with its all new compression gear and barrel and the built in tracer unit for the hop is fantastic. 


    Unfortunately the one fault I asked to be looked at still occurs. The hop adjustment lever shakes into a neutral position within seconds of full auto. Looks like it's going back...

  9. Well, experiment complete, using geoff's .4's in a polarstar is very effective.


    Did i say effective? I meant expensive :P

  10. Well, experiment complete, using geoff's .4's in a polarstar is very effective.


    Did i say effective? I meant expensive :P

  11. Fuck. There just aren't enough good CO2 guns out there. Capsules are just so much more convenient to carry and performs better.

  12. Don't be discouraged if you give sound advice to people in a thread and they ignore it and do what they wanted to do before they opened the thread looking for validation. 


    I read a lot on here before asking questions and learned so much from responses to people questions. 

  13. Save for a HPA kit or buy a short dot for the upcoming tournament?

  14. Save for a HPA kit or buy a short dot for the upcoming tournament?

  15. Save for a HPA kit or buy a short dot for the upcoming tournament?

  16. 5k geoff's .4's and 10k geoff's .32's.


    At what point do i admit to having a problem?

  17. 5k geoff's .4's and 10k geoff's .32's.


    At what point do i admit to having a problem?

  18. Give up looking at 90% of kit reviews etc. Some reviewers are just so lazy with descriptions of kit it amazes me they even get the kit to review in the first place or that they have become popular enough to get that sort of endorsement 🙄🙄

  19. Finally started shooting the CM16 just to test it today but I've a few problems:

    Out of the box, it shoots really low and left. I adjusted the rear sights a bit and tried messing around with the hopup (which goes the opposite way to the instructions supplied it seems) but its still pretty inaccurate at a little less than 10m. Any advice?

    Also I probably put around 100ish rounds through it, should I put the battery on charge again before tomorrow?


  20. Apparently packages from Russia take forever. 2 weeks and its just bouncing around various post offices not having yet left the country...

  21. First game for an entire month and I go lose an pistol mag..£25 gone just like that.  Crap...

  22. would you rather an outdoor plywood CQB arena or a car scrap yard? (debating what to create next on site)

  23. Well I've bit the bullet and bought an LCT AKM. Been after one for a while and at £170 I can't really beat that price! 



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