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Everything posted by Skara

  1. Helikon Tex Training Mini Rig in A-Tacs iX Delivered in less than 24h from the purchase.. I believe it's one of the last ones available here in Italy..
  2. Internet banking is marvelous, it allows you do transfer money and pay for stuff without leaving your pc..








    If only my roommate's bank wasn't slower than a disabled sloth to deliver me her rent money............

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skara


      Sometimes it takes more than 24h from the moment she pays..

      If she pays on Thursday I see the money on Monday or Tuesday..

      Idk what's wrong with her bank, when my mom sends me money even if it's Saturday I have to wait 5 minutes tops..

    3. proffrink


      Oh wait, you're in Italy. Sorry, FPI is a British thing. I shoulda checked that first!

    4. proffrink


      Also you might want to look into something like Revolut or Monzo (Monzo might be UK only but Revolut is all of EU) as both allow user-to-user- transfers and support SEPA etc. for cross-country stuff. Neither charge for their basic service either and are excellent for current accounts. Both take about 10 minutes to set up too.

  3. What's up with the "stockless" guns? they look uncomfortable af.. also @Arwen get some irons pls..
  4. What's wrong with "plastic" guns? Both my guns have polymer bodies, and they're sturdier than some metal ones I've seen..
  5. Heh, I'll get a drum mag as well once G&G releases the 5.56 version of the arp-9 one..
  6. Do me a favour and get a better looking optic xD It looks like you've washed it the wrong way and it shrunk.. Mag looks good now
  7. >Couple that mag with a p* >switch to full auto and high-ish rate of fire >laugh maniacally as people get drenched in bbs ... >profit
  8. Today's training:

    4 broken guns;

    2 lost radios;

    Almost killed one guy (slightly touched a rotten tree that fell 30cm away from his head)..


    Should've stayed in bed this morning...

  9. Mag looks hideous.. But whatever floats your boat xD May I ask why do you need a high cap on a bolt action?
  10. Bought a pair of Mechanix fast fit.. And got my gun back from service..
  11. That's their correct barrel length anyway
  12. Yep I know he's Italian (his accent kills me every time tho).. Italian milsims aren't really what milsims are in the UK/USA though.. But I guess I'll give them a go..
  13. The sad thing is: there's not much variety, we don't have milsims (a team tried to organize one in 2010, it failed miserably), I wish we had fields like the mall in here.. But I'm afraid that they won't last very long, costs are just too high and you'll never get the money to pay for the field rent and all that stuff We do have one cqb "field" in which a speedsofter can feel at home, but it's quite illegal to even be there (property of our Navy even if it's abandoned).. Also the people who go there to play usually have guns that shoot way too hot for our regulation, they don't have an insurance and usually they're dickheads who play just to hurt other people.. And to make them call a hit you basically have to shoot them with a real 7.62..
  14. that's competitive airsoft.. normal sundays are more or less a series of attack/defense, using some of the "competitive" rules (15m time limit, 30m max from the flag for the defending team, team balancing usually is either 3:2 or 5:3 for the attackers)... unfortunately there's no place for speedsoft here... it would be cool though to play something less tactical and more "basic"
  15. sorry for the double quote. here's how things work here, that's why i said speedsoft will never be a thing here xD
  16. No, but airsoft in Italy is much more "tactical" and intended as a simulation rather than a modern version of hide and seek as you (or someone else wrote in another thread).. If you have some patience I can translate the rules and objectives of the first tournament of this year and post them somewhere in the general area so you get an idea of what airsoft is in my country
  17. Luckily we have no such people here in Italy xD Not saying speedsofters are bad people, don't get me wrong.. It's just a playstyle that doesn't fit to us
  18. SSGs everywhere lol Nowadays it's rare to find a vsr10 or a l96 style gun xD
  19. I went for the emerson as in some pictures I saw genuine multicam fabric, when I saw it live though, it's way darker and "plasticky" compared to my tactical tailor mini mav.. At that point I should have picked the tan one instead of going multiglam... I have partially solved the issue by attaching a few condor pouches, which are closer to the genuine crye pattern when it comes to colours.. Also I'm the only one running multicam gear in my team, everyone else either goes with Italian vegetata or plain OD green (green actually looks dope on a-tacs fg, which is our team's camo). I guess I'll stick to what I have until it breaks At the end of the day you get what you pay for, you can't expect much from a €70 plate carrier, it's like asking for Triumph performance from a Royal Enfield bike..
  20. Black kit isn't actually bad, it's just that in a wooden environment you're confined to play in dark areas or just #yolo towards the enemy.. I guess blending in with the surrounding colours isn't really an option
  21. Due to the rough terrain I thought I'd be too encumbered to move relatively fast, but I actually had no problem at all.. At the local shop the choice was between the emerson and the tmc one, which at the time was out of stock.. I didn't want to order it online because being a chinese copy I was afraid to find flaws and not be able to get a refund/swap.. Before the foam plates I used it once and was planning to sell it because of how uncomfortable it was, I used it on a cqb game in an abandoned 1861 era fortification (there's 40 just around my town) so I didn't even have to climb hills or do anything physically challenging.. Now? I may sell it just to get the real crye one
  22. The emerson jpc comes with plastic plates, they're hollow so they are not as stiff as real SAPIs but having a piece of plastic pushing on your spine isn't exactly pleasant.. You can fill them with sand and they become as heavy as the real deal iirc.. These foam ones (just noticed they're from emerson as well lol) are thicker but they flex a lot more so the carrier bends and molds to your shape instead of digging into your back. They're also slightly heavier (talking grams) than the plastic ones but you don't really feel the difference once wearing it.
  23. This is what i ran yesterday. I thought it was going to be painful and uncomfortable.. Since i switched from plastic plates to foam ones that thing (jpc) has become one of the most comfortable items i've ever worn for airsoft! Forgive me for the lack of mags, but the rig is supposed to hold 4 midcaps for cqb games, while in the pictures i'm carrying my 3 brand new Lonex flash mags.. I also ditched a lower mesh face mask, I used one of those stretchy neck tubes in multicam, did a good job at protecting my mouth..
  24. So, today I took my jpc out for the game instead of my usual mini mav + backpack loadout, I thought it was going to end in pain because of the weight difference but, holy cow, the thing is so comfortable to wear!


    It only took me €12 for a set of foam plates to replace the emerson plastic ones and I must say that they're one of my best purchases so far!


    It'll still be used mainly for cqb games, but damn, now I'm definitely going to wear it more for woodland games!

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