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Rogerborg last won the day on April 1

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    Motorbikes, being right on the internet.

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  1. Luke at Negative has really outdone himself on the self-sacrifice with this one:



    I can 100% fap to the honesty here.

    1. Skara


      BuT mEtAl RaCk PiStOnS iNcReAsE dUrAbIlItEeEeE.


      No, they just cause more damage when they explode. But I get weird looks when I say I prefer plastic pistons in my guns..

    2. Rogerborg


      Mmm, and I love the demonstration of exactly why you want the piston to strip.


      I'm sure there will be True Believers who will insist that their experience, or their toy gnu is different, but that's versus an airsoft tech who literally repairs broken guns all day long for a living.

    3. Skara


      I was literally talking about pistons with a teammate last Sunday, I think he didn't understand the meaning of "mechanical fuse" and kept boasting how much better steel rack pistons are.


      Shit breaks, all the time, it's just a matter of minimizing the chances of shredding the expensive parts (gear sets) or delaying them as much as possible.

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