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  1. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from BibbsOnTour in TRMR anyone? Linky   
    Erm....I think it was an Amazon job. I forget the name of it and it's now boxed up and on it's way to the new owner. I know it was only marketed as a 40mm holder looked like it would do the job, woudl probably remember the name if I saw it.
  2. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from Skara in And now my G18C needs to fly the nest (link) 😢   
    Trying to standardize my rigs, opted to go with the Hi-capa as I have a 5.1 and a 4.3 on the way. The G18 is great and it's nice it's lighter than the Capa's but I just prefer the capa.
  3. Sad
    Steveocee reacted to strykerles in TRMR anyone? Linky   
    I've just brought a Quake 8, dammit to hell!!
  4. Haha
    Steveocee got a reaction from Adolf Hamster in Does anyone else end up hoarding airsoft stuff cos they just can't face the hassle of   
    >Finds post
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    >Posts in Mac's
  5. Haha
    Steveocee got a reaction from sonofsammo in Does anyone else end up hoarding airsoft stuff cos they just can't face the hassle of   
    >Finds post
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    >Posts in Mac's
  6. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from djben9 in Firesupport now showing the new ICS MX5 series (had an email from ICS to tell me!)...   
    Or you buy now then you have some time to get it delivered, fettled and hit the ground running for when we can finally pew each other again.
  7. Like
    Steveocee reacted to Asomodai in Thought I found a H8r in stock then. Nearly wee'd but no, not in stock.   
    I found one in Denmark? Old school Email style ordering. 
     But it's only 54ish quid. They are a legit business. You have to order first and then they will calculate shipping and invoice for payment. 
  8. Haha
    Steveocee reacted to Skara in It's taken 8 weeks but the ghillie is done! Cannot wait to try it out.   
    Nah it's not as popular as plastic leaves, mostly due to its cost and lack of availability (you can only get it from LCS or Theyma)
    I reckon it's more versatile than leaves as it doesn't have that awful plasticky look (no matter how much you try to mod them, they'll still look out of place).
    My ghillies are going to be mostly cotton, some HS whenever I get my hands on some and some hair bands for real vegetation (you can't beat nature, can you?).
    Jute has its application for sure, but as you said most plebs just pile up strands upon strands and end up looking like a meth addicted wookie who's just gone through a car wash.
  9. Haha
    Steveocee got a reaction from Skara in It's taken 8 weeks but the ghillie is done! Cannot wait to try it out.   
    @Diemaco it's a ghillie so you wouldn't see it 😉
    @Skara halo stuff is super popular isn't it? Totally opposite end of the spectrum but mine was made fully with Helikon ghillie yarns (I've gone easy though so I don't look like an electrified wookie).
  10. Like
    Steveocee reacted to Skara in Start of another week, keep your chins up guys. I know I'm starting to struggle a bit   
    My country has slowly started to ease the lockdown measures.
    IF there is no increment in cases,
    IF people keep behaving according to the new measures,
    We may be allowed to practice team sports (airsoft included) from the 18th.
    Meanwhile I can go for a walk in the woods without being arrested now 
  11. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from Jedi_Master in So frustrating when you try and sell something HALF THE PRICE OF NEW, and every new p   
    Advertise your price including postage and fees. It's not a lot for you to work out the additional needed and honestly it gives a far more flattering view of you as a seller than trying to sell an item + extra for extras that may be needed + x% for paypal + postage.
  12. Like
    Steveocee reacted to Adolf Hamster in NEVER throw parts away. There will always be somewhere you can use them. Check out th   
    A well stocked box o' bits is not to be underestimated.
  13. Like
  14. Like
    Steveocee reacted to Impulse in Ghillie update. Day 2. Nobody warned me how boring this would be. Genuinely want to s   
    This sounds about right... However, at the end remember that you'll have a pretty unique product that will properly stand out on the field... in the safe zone because no one will see you in the field (because nobody makes their own ghillie these days because they can just buy a pre-made leaf suit and be done with it)
    It's worth it in the end. I'm doing mine too and it's hell. We'll get there eventually! xD
  15. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from Nick G in I decided to write this out. I know that this might be an unpopular stance, but I'm n   
    The saving grace is the guys running round with SSG's and a cheap chinese leaf suit generally couldn't hit a barn door at 10 meters and are often the ones getting frustrated because "I hit him 5 times" when in reality they are dropping 10M short. Luckily as they haven't poured half their soul into building said rifle it'l likely be on the classifieds in a month or 2 anyway.
    Good write up though, nice to see some honest feelings.
  16. Thanks
    Steveocee got a reaction from Impulse in I decided to write this out. I know that this might be an unpopular stance, but I'm n   
    The saving grace is the guys running round with SSG's and a cheap chinese leaf suit generally couldn't hit a barn door at 10 meters and are often the ones getting frustrated because "I hit him 5 times" when in reality they are dropping 10M short. Luckily as they haven't poured half their soul into building said rifle it'l likely be on the classifieds in a month or 2 anyway.
    Good write up though, nice to see some honest feelings.
  17. Like
    Steveocee reacted to Skara in 3 Weeks odd to kill?? Just pulled the ghillie base and yarns out.   
    This boat is rather large then.
    I have 2 systems to craft (leaf suit and viper hood)
  18. Like
    Steveocee reacted to Albiscuit in Anyone else bored yet?   
    God yes.... Cabin fever has set in, I cant deal with it.
  19. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from Rogerborg in Damn the warrior universal holster can even hold a desert eagle. I like this thing.   
    Best holster for an Mk23 I've come across is one of these
    About £15 on eBay normally.
  20. Haha
  21. Like
    Steveocee reacted to L3wisD in You still working for Specna   
    The one series 416s are really good. Solid externals and good no nonsense gear box.
    If you wanted to wait a few weeks, the entire lineup of EDGE series of 416s are going to be revealed with prices and specs within 2-3 weeks.
  22. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from Monkman in Just got home from NPF and man...there were a load of HPA guys running drum mags toda   
    NPF has become a bit of a sniperfest lately so good to see a change in weapon. I have temporarily stopped playing there as I witnessed a marshall chrono a sniper on 0.2's doing 400 then put 4's through and come out with 400 and wave it through with the comment "it's under 500 with 0.2's so good enough for me". I sent an email after the game day questioning this and didn't get a response.
    I understand a "bit" of joule creep but that's just dangerous. I'm shocked at how the guy got it running so hot though.
  23. Haha
    Steveocee reacted to Rogerborg in Hello, I appreciate you may have some stock flow issues ATM but do you know when you'   
    Have you tried Ann Summers, or Grindr?
  24. Like
    Steveocee reacted to Sitting Duck in Deans connectors ordered. How badly can I screw this up?   
    yeah I saw that with connector set & vice etc...
    saw that this morning - nice dsg vid too
    I was thinking of buying a Titan on my wish list with Seigetek etc...
    After watching the vid I am even more determined to
    NOT buy a Titan
    Good vid, amazing build - heck 7.4v would have done
    but as Luke said he did it to prove a point
    not he can't build it, but chooses NOT to build wanker guns
  25. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from Sitting Duck in Deans connectors ordered. How badly can I screw this up?   
    And queue a fantastic video pop up in my YT subscription feed from @Armourpiercing. Impeccable timing dude.
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