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Mostly Retired Moderators
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Status Updates posted by L3wisD

  1. Anyone know if there's a cheap clone of the PTS EPS yet? Screw £50 for a stock!

  2. I've finally solved the "Spectacles with Shooting glasses" conundrum!





    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Surely you need another pair to protect your glasses from errant bb's?

    2. StayOnTarget


      You sir are a feckin genius 😉

  3. Finally getting out for a game! It's been 7 months!

    Next Saturday at Gunman. It's on 😎

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StayOnTarget


      LIGHT THEM UP!!!!giphy.gif.ed1b6ed9e659b488dd382dbf72db1cb2.gif

    3. djben9


      i havent played since December!....so not as bad as you!

  4. Hi Guys. I'm not going to be about much. Father-in-law has passed away so I'm needed elsewhere.


    See you all in a bit.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CaptainDumbass


      "Weird flex but ok"
      Only messing man, sometimes in shit situations abit of humour helps. Real sorry to hear that mate hope you're good.

  5. Accurate depiction of Moderators VS Spammers:



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. StayOnTarget


      Soz Boz 😜 but is it truly poop?  I went on a bit of a search(as you do) some people have done amazing builds,it looks like a kit witha TM Thompson is a good standard to aim for but some have used a CYMA one too.Alien legacy was where I spent my time in the Airsoft topic section thingy bit

      Out of interest are you watching the fan made shorts that have started to pop up on YouTube to celebrate the 40th anniversary?


      Stay Frosty 🖖

    3. Druid799
    4. StayOnTarget


      God I know it even sounds fuckin good too,I was thinking of a GBB version  with a kit of tinternet.....oh god I must resist😢

  6. That great feeling when your Custom @rocketdogbert Glock arrives in the post 😎

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Druid799


      Me too ! That shoor is a priddy gun ! 😍

    3. StayOnTarget


      Thats sexy as Emily Blunt that is...well almost🖖 

  7. Airsoft Car boot at Red Alert tomorrow and the wages have gone in early! 

    I'm in trouble!



    1. L3wisD


      It was incredibly slim pickings..


      Managed to get a Magpul style AFG2, copy Magpul BUIS, new sling and gloves.

  8. Anyone going to IWA this weekend? I was supposed to have, but couldn't.

    Look out for Stretch the rubber chicken if you are there!

  9. TWENTY FOUR reports of spam a few hours ago. All cleaned up now! 😀

    1. Jedi_Master


      Did you have a lie in this morning?  Pesky spammers and their different timezones.

    2. L3wisD


      Apparently checking the forum at 0630 is still not early enough to catch them all.


      Shall set alarm for 0500 tomorrow.

  10. Spammers before 7am? Not on my watch!

    Thanks for the reports!

    1. Jedi_Master


      The early Mod catches the spammer.  They shall not pass!

    2. Gepard
  11. Remember our friend from the £700 swat loadout? There's a new video of him and his friends putting loaded magazines in guns in the safe zone.



    Jesus wept...


    Bonus points if you spot the guy looking down the barrel of his loaded revolver without eye protection on.




    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Seven


      Well that was quickly removed, lol

    3. EvilMonkee


      I am from about 20 miles from Limavady and believe me, it makes my hometown look like a buzzing metropolis.....

  12. Another weekend without airsoft. Haven't played since October, I'll have to check my batteries at this rate!

  13. Been watching videos of MP9 GBBs on YouTube. Add another gun to "The List"! :(

    1. sonofsammo


      I had a play with one the other day - Very chucklesome gun indeed 😄 


  14. Just seen the WE Gen5 Glocks. Jesus they're hideous.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SeniorSpaz87


      Thats just how they are. However, IRL they are fantastic. Now I need to find one of you guys to smuggle a 19x over for me...

  15. @Albiscuit UCAP are opening a CQB site in reading!


    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Albiscuit


      Thats a price im willing to pay :P  


      who says peer pressure is a bad thing!!

    3. Robert James

      Robert James

      They haven't responded to me yet. They probably won't. I'll make a thread later if I remember and see what the general consensus is for numbers etc


      Furthermore, it's not a skirmish it's battlesim 

    4. Albiscuit


      Cool, let us know!  I liked the idea of a battlesim, too many skirmishes end up as a death match!

  16. The new UCAP site opening at HMP Gloucester looks pretty cool 😎

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lozart


      Be interesting to see if it suffers from the same issues reported at Redemption...

    3. Jedi_Master


      Let us hope that it stays open longer than their previous prison site in Somerset.

    4. Keldon


      It does indeed look good, wonder what they will do with it for such a large site. 

  17. I love the smell of spammers in the morning!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Fried spam, curried baked beans with peanut butter (satay), fried eggs, fried bread, and mushrooms.  Scrummy :)


    3. Prisce


      Deep fried spam, little vinegar and some Chips. Delicious. 

  18. Hi everyone! Sorry for my absence! My boys and wife all have birthdays within days of each other! Mental! I should be back to normal now :)

    1. Prisce


      Wait. You were gone?! 😱


      Know the feeling buddy, some days it feels like I can’t tell the difference between reality and what I’m actually doing. 😏🤦🏻‍♂️


      Roll on Christmas.

  19. Anyone lucky enough to be at the Mall this morning?

    1. Sneaky


      No unfortunately.  When will it be closing?

    2. L3wisD


      An hour ago.


      Now closed forever, pending demolition :(

  20. Guys - PLEASE have photos of your actual items and an asking price in the classifieds!


  21. Come and Marshall! It won't rain much !


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. YorkieT17
    3. EDcase


      Respect for doing your duty

    4. L3wisD


      Absolutely fucking soaked!

      BUT saw an AFUK patch in the wild.

  22. I love the smell of spammers in the morning!

    Thanks for the (numerous) reports guys! :)

    1. djben9


      yeah got into work and missed all the fun....just had to delete all the notifications!

    2. AshOnSnow


      What would you do without the militia

  23. So, Marui have finally caught on the 9/10 owners of NGRS M4s turn them into Mk18s and decided to release one.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Oh yes.  Would also like option to have some rails for tac lights, etc

    3. L3wisD
    4. Monkman


      That tan stock looks just as shit as my G&P one. (I'm using my Nuprol SopMod stock as that at least is of better build quality and even has a proper quick release swing swivel attachment point, instead of a tiny hole in the G&P one and what looks to be exactly the same with the TM one in that pic)  

  24. >Finally get a Marui gas pistol

    >Mornings are already too cold for gas:(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sonofsammo


      ^^^^^^^^^^^^What he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^
      No such thing as too cold for gas - just use the right gas for the temperature 😄


    3. Jedi_Master


      Put the mags in your trouser pockets and warm them up, by heating your gas they should work better.

    4. L3wisD


      Yeah, I was just being melodramatic due to having to scrape the car off in September 😂

  25. We're seeing an increase in folks posting Wanted adverts in the general forums.

    Please use the Wanted section in the classifieds. Thank you!

    1. Rogerborg



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