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Status Updates posted by Druid799

  1. When your planing to buy a new gun and ‘she who must be obeyed’ finds out , and a testicle shrinking tirade about “unused guns !” Follows said discovery ? Not a pleasant experience first thing in the AM ! 😖

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Druid799



      1; she found out as I was sat on the sofa and she could see what I was doing , asked and I told her , not a problem usually.

      2; yes she does have a very valid point .

      3; unfortunately theres no leverage with bags and shoes as she’s not (and never has been)a girly girl in to all ‘that kind of’ junk , though when needed she does frequently catch me out which will illicit a WoW ! from me due to her appearance , but on the whole she’s a casual dresser .

      So yea I’m bollox’ed on all counts ! Say’la’vie 😉

    3. rj1986


      "I've had it for ages, just sent if off for a service"

    4. Druid799


      Been playing over 20 yrs so unfortunately the “I’ve had it for ages” or it’s one “I’m having back after being serviced” just don’t cut it anymore ! Plus worst thing of all she’s actually very good at gun identification ! (My own fault for telling her what’s what when I loose it at a tv show or film when the guns are wrong 🤦‍♂️) say’lla’vie 😉

  2. So children today’s title is ‘Enthusiast’ , and what is an ‘Enthusiast’ ? It’s a polite way of say someone is VERY keen on the subject but doesn’t have a fecking clue what there doing ! Ahh right , yea that does sort of fit nicely then ! 😬

    1. Shamal


      Haha. Me.🤪

      Point,pull and wait for tree or bush to give up! Lol


    2. MiK


      My misses says I can be a little over “Enthusiastic” 😗

  3. I’ve just been told I’m a contributor ! 
    funny thing is last time I was told that it was by a copper and he said something about “delinquency of the young” or something like that ? 🤔

  4. So what’s all this ‘awards’ bollox all about then ? 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      is it so we can figure out who among us is doing the most spamming?

    3. Crazy_Crystal


      I have no idea... all I know is I'm getting badges which makes me feel about 5 again... It's great!!! (I'm easily pleased) 😂

    4. Rogerborg


      If only they were medals, to represent our service.

  5. Me thinks @Harry1 has started his school holidays already ? 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Is there some reason that we can all see his messages?  That's been both amusing and confusing me for a while.

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      borg- he's writing on people's profiles rather than sending them pm's, i assume he hasn't worked out how to use those.

    4. rj1986


      Also on Completed adverts from 2018...

  6. Everyone screams “UP-GRADE ! UP-GRADE ! YOU MUST UP-GRADE ! “ shortly afterwards you see the same people asking for advice as ‘it don’t work like it’s supposed too ?’ Is it really worth the effort? 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      Well, ye. It is always worth it. But, only if you fundamentally understand how it works inside. I've seen large a negative bias towards people who can't fit simple screws together and then call upgrading trash... too many in front of my very eyes too. It really depends on your own ability and time to spend on it.

    3. Druid799


      BUT equally never over estimate your own abilities ? Been playing long enough to happily say I’ve seen more players spouting about how good techs they are AND then reappear not much later asking for advice or just plain instructions how to fix the what ever as it’s developed a major fault now they’ve ‘up-graded’ it , than players saying “I’ll have a go my self“ and all turned out well ?  

    4. Asomodai


      @Druid799 I would say I was pretty familiar with the XM8 internals. 


      Unfortunately not all XM8 GEN2's are the exact same. The tolerances are way out between the two I have. So much so that I have had to take 3mm off of an air nozzle that fed fine in my black one but not my green one. 


      Even if you are an expert, you need to take into consideration bad tolerances. 

  7. I also had a cracking day yesterday at black ops Portishead , just me and my best bud , not particularly kit heavy just my Arthurian 416 and a TM recoil 74su , lots of good kills ,no real problem with ‘shouty’ players or non takers . Even shared a table with a guy never met before and we were all best mates by the end of the day ! So for me ? Just what I wanted (AND needed!) 👍

    1. StayOnTarget


      One of the best things about the sport good crack with perfect strangers even better if you team up and work together 🖖

    2. Hermesh


      Sounds cool, l play with an asortment of various gunslingers. All good lads and lots of fun, but some of my best games have been with total strangers, we've just jelled and worked together like we've been at it for years...

  8. Who’s all excited and watching the footy ?

    Personally I’d rather scratch my arse with a cheese grater then sit in a bucket of freshly squeezed lemon juice whilst pouring a bottle of shampoo in to my eyes .


  9. So would appear weaponscrate is rising from the ashes with the same owner .

    Again ! 

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