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Everything posted by Wak0118

  1. sorry waiting for it all to be done and dusted but will post the retailer soon
  2. Update got my money back NOT from the retailer but from my credit card company under section 75 and there now after there money back from the retailer winner winner chicken dinner
  3. I haven't named the shop/ site as it is going too court so done want to drop myself in it ha ha but after the court case I will name the site and shop
  4. Don't know its a Bolt m4 sopmob
  5. Not saying as its going to court
  6. Thanks for the advise this is why its going to court now as the shop will not give me a refund Should you dry fire the gun also as this is what the shop has done also??/
  7. Been told by the retailer it went wrong coz I put a sight and for grip on the gun also
  8. 7.4V battery lower 25C as recommended by the retailer
  9. should this happen after the first game using it ????
  10. Bolt M4 Sopmod Airsoft guns that have the following problem the weapons fire in full automatic fire even when your finger is not on the trigger and Fire even on safe, there is a spring noise coming from the rear when fired. ANY HELP please
  11. I have got two of them and had them for 5 days shot for the first time and they started to shoot without the trigger being pulled. the only way to stop it was to remove the battery, ANY IDEARS OF WHAT COULD COURSE THIS??????
  12. Anyone running a bolt airsoft sopmod m4, what do you think ????
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