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  • Guns
    CM16 M0D0
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  • Location
    Ulverston-in-Cumbria, Lake District

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  1. I'm new to airsoft and am looking for a local(ish) team or other people from Ulverston/lakes way who like to play too. I've been once before and now have a gun and combat gear. I'm just looking for other people to play with becuase its not as fun playing on your own and it'd be great fun playing as a team (especially becuase where I played everyone ran off in their own direction like headleds chickens with now plan) :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      There's a mixed bag of people playing - some think they know, others haven't got a clue, most will work and give it go for a while then say sod it if the leader still hasn't got a clue. Give it a couple of goes before you write off a site. Unless you play the more serious sites you will get a few bell-ends anywhere

    3. Rachael


      Thanks for the info, makes sense. Theres a site only a few miles away from the one I went to, I'll go there and stick at it for awhile. I probably wont go to the place I went last time just becuase the regular players I went with last time thought it wasnt a great place either - the rules were odd and they let some people play without masks or goggles). But I'll go to the new place and stick at it there until I go anywhere else :)

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      F*ck that for safety !!!!


      but yeah even my reg site is not the place for serious players.

      But is cheap n local but I have tried a couple and hope to visit another great cqb site in Reading - the Mall.

      Don't worry - most sites have the odd crap game but hopefully reg will have a word to say it don't work.

      as long as peeps call their hits - that is the main thing

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