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Status Updates posted by Aengus

  1. Thoughts on the we m&p's ? (as far as i know on this one the full auto problem is fixed) and anyone got mags for it theyd be willing to sell ?

    1. M_P


      I've got one and I think its pretty crap, it'll do the job in cqb but not much more. I've got the tm too and it's in a different league, definitely get that if you can stretch to it.

    2. Aengus


      For £55 is it worth going for ?

    3. M_P


      Yeah that's about fair imo, if I were to sell mine (I'm not :P) I'd put it up for £65 Inc postage and 3 mags and be prepared for it to go a bit under.

  2. Peoples thoughts on the KWA Glocks ? (34 specifically)

  3. Holy sh*t second hand charlie bears are worth alot ! If you want to buy mines pm me, gonna get some nice midcaps and a pistol :D

    1. ak2m4


      wtf is a Charlie Bear... and why haven't I got one.

  4. Reseated the hop nubber and my gun seemed fine for the first 10 or so shots then it started not firing the bb again, narrowed it down to the hop blocking the bb as the gun's feeding fine

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      gearbox case just above n below where nozzle is. place strips of tape to push hop unit further forward that should allow bb's to enter hop better - might lose a bit of fps but try a couple strips top/bottom

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      should push hop forward so nozzle clears to allow bb's to flow. No big deal if it fails just remove tape and poke the gun up techy's ar$e

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      not saying it is a proper fix but more a test to see if nozzle is still not clearing 101% causing feed issue. Fix may involve 101% exact nozzle tappet plate shaving etc... but only by people who know and can fix the exact issue - like a techie but a good one

  5. Just got my gun back from being repaired (new hop up, air nozzle and piston head) and it only occasionally fires bbs now. Using high caps and dont have any midcaps at hand to see if it's my mags, any ideas ?

    1. Esoterick


      Send it back to the shop?

    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      with one of your mags

  6. Might of just bought a kitten :P (incoming month of piss and shite in random places around the house) But.. that also means my airsoft loadout's on hold :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      male cats have the most character - either silly as a bag of nuts & dopey soppy sods or mental f*ckers. Plus clawing - kittens have razor claws n teeth, and bring you lots of presents - mice, birds

    3. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      Is your loadout on hold because of the kitten taking the funding, or because you need to wait for it to grow and it's all part of a plan for a genuine-fur russian winter loadout? :)

    4. Aengus


      Kitten taking the funding ;)

  7. Going to a military show today, Definetely wont be eyeing up future loaudouts

  8. If i reduced my GR16's barrel size to the stubby style (flashider pretty much against front sight post) what size of inner barrel would i need to change to ?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Lozart


      Don't forget that the inner barrel is LONGER than the outer barrel. 267mm = 10.5", except that the inner barrel needs to be long enough to reach into the hop unit as well.

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Good point yeah I didn't think about that

    4. Lozart


      Nobody ever does! :)

      I started out with a full length inner barrel, cut it down to suit a 10.5" outer barrel and then measured it, hence I know for sure it's 300mm.

  9. Do WE G17 mags fit the G19 ? G18c ones will they fit ? TM Glock 17 and 26 advance one's will they fit ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      If you look at em can tell if it will or not. WE ones are good enough so don't rlly need to get TM ones. 26 looks too short as it's like a 12 round capacity magazine

  10. What's peoples thoughts on the WE 1911 ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. M_P


      I'd rather be raped with one than actually use it. Terrible.

    3. DX115FALCON


      Bad. One of my mates had one. Broke during his first skirmish with it

    4. TacMaster


      Avoid. TM all the way

  11. Few questions about we 1911 mag compatability; will the TM M1911 A1 mags fit ? will the m92 mags fit ? hi-capa ones ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lozart


      The M92 and HiCapa ones definitely won't fit.


      TM1911 mags will fit and will probably work better too.

    3. Lozart


      That big long thing should fit, yes. But it will look stupid sticking out. Of course if you only half load it your WE 1911 might be able to lock the slide back once it's finished! ;)

    4. M_P


      Pretty sure only we 1911 mags fit we 1911s as they're not straight tm clones

  12. Anyone have past experience with the SHS Hop Unit or the SHS M4 Red Air Nozzle ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      She ???

      SHS poxy fone

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      AK2M4 might have SHS stuff as well as ZCI which a lot of it is same/similar good stuff. See what others may say n drop him a pm. Metal hop is likely to be a better option

    4. ak2m4


      Not got any SHS left in stock but do have the ZC version of the nozzle, cheaper and identical. Loads of hop chambers including plastic & CNC clone of Prowin - msg me for details

  13. Was wondering if i bought the Blue We M&P from TG would customs let it through or would it be destroyed ? or is it down to the person that sees it (i.e varies)?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aengus


      So It won't get held by customs if it doesn't have a defence on the box right ?

    3. M_P


      Probably not

    4. Mack


      Not sure why you would import it though. Its $91 with $52 shipping. Add on customs and your paying more than what it would cost in the UK

  14. Wouldn't want to be in a war with these guys

    1. SeniorSpaz87


      Meh, I didn't see anything different than any other SF group. Training and such looks the same as US, Brit, etc... Even the skiing attack thing is joint trained by US/Swedish SF.

    2. SeniorSpaz87


      Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to face any of them...

  15. Zero in forums are under attack apparently...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DX115FALCON


      Wouldn't surprise me if ZIn actually are compromised. Their host is absolutely shocking and has been hit with Malware before.

    3. Aengus


      Sitting Duck, just tried and it still registers as malicious.

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I'm in ok....


      go to zero one airsoft store


      right down to very bottom

      click on forum - I'm in there now...


      another "forum" tab said file not specified ???

      bottom of page link took me in no probs

  16. Would anyone on here be interersted in buying a 3-9x scope or Small Mk6 Helmet ?

  17. Yesterday at one shot cqb my hands seemed to be bb magnets, hard knuckle gloves next time

    1. DX115FALCON


      I'm not a fan of One Shot. Far too much cheating. from my experience/

    2. Aengus


      Only once out of the 3 times I've been have I shot someone and they didn't take their hit (Marshall confirmed) other than that it's been fine

    3. Aengus


      But it seems the 'Pro' regular dude (wears all tan) seems a bit dodgy (i.e gets out of things when he probably shouldn't of)

  18. Happy easter everybody ! and may the chocolate be whith you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      And whilst moaning about getting ripped off - How much smaller can Wagon Wheels get

      Cheeky bastids have been making them smaller & smaller each year reckon

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      I was so bored a few months ago I checked out the new MORE expensive freddos, and then weighed it against the old LESS expensive ones: The older ones weighed more!!!!!!

      Anyway, happy easter!

    4. TacMaster


      Confectionary manufacturers have been robbing us blind since the credit crunch- they reduced the size of choc bars etc and kept the same price.....now that the worst of the crunch is over, they haven't changed anything

  19. Anyone going to One Shot CQB Kirkcaldy this tuesday night ?

  20. Anyone got a peq (working flashlight and laser not battery box) they'd be willing to sell ?

  21. Anyone going to Fife Wargames on the 12th of April ?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Aengus


      aww so in the future if I get more into airsoft I wouldn't be allowed to use BFG's ?

    3. DX115FALCON


      Nope. Not at any of your local sites (I assume you are Fife area). The Fort and Fortress also don't allow under 18s to use pyro.

    4. Aengus


      I'm actually in the Stirling area but, Health and safety these days (never known it any other way) *shakes head*

  22. Really want a gbb mp7 or mp9 but i probably only be able to pay like £50 ;_;

    1. SeniorSpaz87


      You could buy a mag for that price...

  23. Sprained my thumb at trainng on Wednesday (went to minor injuries today). No rugby for me on Sunday... The deppresion's already setting in ;_;

    1. Russe11


      Did they say no airsoft? :)

  24. Set up a unnoficial AF UK Teamspeak server ip:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      Pass, i'm perfectly capable of talking crap by text, voice would just be unfair on the general populus.

    3. Aengus


      This forum already has a teamspeak ? Can someone give me the ip

    4. CaptainDumbass


      no-one uses them i dont think

  25. Holy **** im a bit paranoid. Probably just me but but did any of you find buying your first gun stressfull :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Only coz LWA flogged mt FireHawk I paid for 2 weeks before my ukara came through... - Man I was f*cking spewing - soz to others but yeah that was stress

    3. Aengus


      Legally you have to be over 18 to get a ukara licence right ? sick of the fugly two tone guns I have to get because of my age.

    4. jcheeseright


      no such thing as a UKARA license, also legally you have to be over 18 to buy any airsoft gun, including 2-tone.

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